Monday, August 1, 2011

July Rewind

Miles Run - 103.07 (Impressed I hit this number since I struggled all month and my pace is now over 1 mph slower than I used to comfortably train).
Races Run - 3 (3 half marathons)
PR's Set - Big. Fat. Zero. Although I had two races that were almost PWs.
Minutes of Plank - 93. Yep, you read that right. 93 minutes. I didn't miss a single day of planks and I'm now up to 3 minutes.

July sucked. It's been stupid hot and I'm burned out and tired. I remember a few years ago very comfortably training at 6.4-6.6 mph on the treadmill. Honestly, even low 5 mph now seems ridiculously hard. I struggle to even run continuously for longer than 15-20 minutes. So. What's the solution? I don't want to stop running. But I don't want to hate it and feel like it's doing more harm than good. Therefore, starting today I'm going to revamp both my attitude and my training.

Bring it on, RLRF... (although I'm already terrified about tonight's run).


  1. do. it.

    And then text me, because I want to hear about it, and I'm feeling lazy, so if you do it, I don't really have an excuse.

  2. July DID suck. Not for you, but for me. You're still awesome on in my book. I had a MAJOR PW in July. Blech.

    Bring on August!!

  3. Woa, 3 min planks! I'm impressed! Are all the planks paying off?


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Week in Review (October 15 - October 21)

Tuesday  (11,305 steps) - Walk with Olive before going to work. Went to the gym at lunch - which was oddly crowded (although I did go closer...