Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Week in Review (June 18 - June 24)

Tuesday (13,520 steps) - Peloton before work. After our power outage last week the stupid bike took forever to turn on and THEN decided to do a software update. Ugh. I only had time for a short ride with all the delay. Did strength training at lunch. Did a few deliveries. Ben and I took Olive for a walk.
Wednesday (35,104 steps) - I had the day off for Juneteenth, so Terri and I went to Bergen Peak, hoping that with it being a holiday it wouldn't be too crowded. We met at The Flats Beer Garden to carpool there and I was surprised to find a relatively full lot by 8 am. On a weekday. Terri had never been to Bergen, and since I've gotten "lost" multiple times, I had the map on standby to double check the intersections.

The trails somehow were not crowded at all. The weather was actually cool and overcast and it was nice not being too hot. There was a brief time when I thought I might actually be chilly, but I chose to ignore that since we are going through a major heat wave. 

It was a slower day on trails, but nice! We went ahead and got a beer. It was chilly enough that we actually were comfortable sitting inside by the fire. Crazy, I know.
The day got away from me and by the time I walked Olive and showered and did some reading it was time to go to run club for VIP night. Ben met us in Louisville and we went for a walk again since we had run earlier. The store made burgers and we stayed for a bit. We went to Murphy's and stayed way too long. Again. 
Thursday (19,851 steps) - Work from home. I went for my run really early because it was supposed to be another scorcher of a day. I didn't even realize it was windy until I was heading back on my second set of tempo and clearly hit a headwind. The tempo run itself actually went way better than expected and I only had to walk a short bit of my cooldown. Took Olive for a walk before it got even hotter. Did some driving after work and met up with Ben and Ariel at Torchy's for dinner. 
Short dog walk when we got home.
Friday (15,001 steps) - Wash Park and Stella's. Work in the office. It was a pretty busy day since I was covering for all of Erica's attorneys. I had plans on driving after work but it was slow and when I finally got a good order it put me near the house so I just went home. Ben and I wen to 4 Noses. Nice evening for the patio!

Saturday (28,693 steps) - Ben and I drove up to Rollinsville to meet Larry and Terri for an adventure. They had both done this route multiple times and it was a lot of dirt road and OHV. Very little "trail," although what there was, was a bit more rocky and technical than I had expected. 

We had plans to stop at the brewery in town but it didn't open until the afternoon so we stopped in Wondervu. I thought I had eaten at the cafe before, but I confused it with the tavern down the street. The beer was ok, the food was blah and the service was pretty terrible. We took Olive for a short walk and as soon as Ariel got home we went to Rachelle's house for her graduation party. After a bit Ben and I got bored, so A promised to get a ride home. We went to 4 Noses on the way home.
Sunday (17,770 steps) - We planned another adventure in the mountains since it was supposed to be in the mid 90's again. We went to Dutch Bros. for coffee and then we packed up the truck and went to Jones Pass. Even with a later start there were only maybe a dozen cars in the lot. It was a really gorgeous day, although it felt really warm.

We had to go up a few miles, but we found multiple snow fields for Olive to play in.

I doubt that Olive will ever really taking selfies. She sure is awkward.
We saw a few marmots and we decided their chirp sounds like a smoke detector that is running low on batteries.

We were both hungry and had planned on stopping at the brewery in Empire. Google really needs to update information, this place apparently closed last NOVEMBER... Ugh. Traffic was already garbage on the highway, but we decided to stop in  Evergreen for a beer and food. I reached out to Maureen since it was her birthday and since she didn't have plans, her and Colfax came up to join us.

El Rancho actually had some decent happy hour specials, but we decided to get closer to home. We stopped at Over Yonder and the service was atrocious and the beer marginal. Mo went home and we stopped at Parry's on the way home. Long day!
Monday (17,738 steps) - I had planned on getting up early to run, but overslept. Ugh. Went to Dutch Bros. with A. The most exciting part of my morning was the Spelling Bee!
Took Olive for a walk early, around 10, and it was already over 90. I had a run that I was supposed to do and I put it off too long. I went to the park because at least there are trees and I was hoping the shade might help.  It was in the mid 90's and the warm up and strides went fine, but the last few miles were pretty bad and I walked a lot, which isn't the norm for me anymore.

Went to Torchy's for lunch and finished up the work day. After work, Ariel and I went to the post office to mail her thank you cards and then dropped off our ballots. Ben brought home pizza for dinner!

  • 147,677 steps
  • 36.39 miles run
  • 18.39 miles walked 
  • 20 minutes of cardio
  • 45 minutes of strength

Friday, June 21, 2024

Week in Review (June 11 - June 17)

Tuesday (13,780 steps) - Work in the office. Took Olive for a walk after work. Nothing else? Went to 4 Noses.
Wednesday (15,137 steps) - Work in the office. Did some strength work at lunch. Hurried home to meet Ben so we could go to "run" club. Met up with Larry and Terri and walked with Olive. We had just gotten to Murphy's for a beer and snack when we finally heard from Chuck (AC guy) that he was at the house and was able to fix our unit. Thankfully he had the part in his truck and we didn't need to be there.
Thursday (13,578 steps) - Work from home. Drove to the north side of the lake so that we could see the goats and take Olive for a walk. 

It's been a while since we headed towards the dog park, but there is now a paved path on the south end by 100th. That's interesting. We ended up working from 4 Noses in the afternoon because even with the AC working it was still insanely hot and miserable. 
Friday (19,713 steps) - Wash Park and Stella's! Ben and Olive joined since it was Ben's last day of freedom and he was bringing Pete back the canopies and tables we borrowed for Ariel's graduation party. Work in the office and then had a pretty good evening of driving.  
Saturday (31,175 steps) - Up early to go to Highlands Ranch to meet Christina and Jandy for a run at 6:30. I only had 90 minutes on schedule, but we ended up running 10 miles. Oops. The run was actually fine, except I wore a skirt I haven't worn in a bit and I got some chafing on my inner thighs. Sad.

We went to #hashtag for mimosas (I only had one) and breakfast (which was delicious, Ben and I shared an entree and it was plenty for both of us). Headed home to take Olive out. Sweltering. 
Went to Torchy's for dinner.
Sunday (20,233 steps) - Slept in as much as we ever do. Came up with a plan to go to lake near Guanella Pass to avoid another day of horrible heat. Went with Ariel to get Dutch Bros. before she went to work and then we headed home to pack for a day in the mountains. We had planned on a route to Shelf Lake, which looked to be 3.5 miles (each way), with the promise of hitting 12,000' and a lake. Neither of us had been there before, and it turns out the last few miles getting to the trail head were a bit sporty (dirt road). There didn't seem to be any actual trail head, but we had Gaia open and found our way up. We didn't see very many people all day, so it was funny that the second people we saw were Ryan and Kelly. The first mile was a sporty climb and felt really hot.
The weather was gorgeous, and the views were so pretty!
We were promised snow fields as we got closer to the lake. We didn't realize how many water crossings there would be even lower. About 3/4 of a mile up was the first crossing. There was a "bridge" of logs that Olive didn't seem to want to cross. At this point we were still trying to keep our feet dry, so Ben was going to carry her over, but she was flailing, so he tossed her to the shore. That made her panic and then she turned around and went back into the water and we ended up having to leash her and walk through the water (which wasn't even that big a deal).

Did I mention there were REALLY pretty views?
The lower snow fields were nothing compared to what we found when we got up higher. We were thankfully not post holing, but it wasn't the easiest to walk across.
Finally, we were almost there!!
We saw a couple with a dog that told us the lake was right over the ridge. There was NO ONE ELSE THERE, which was quite lovely.
Olive and I investigated a bit, but she seemed wary about getting in the water. Crazy to still see so much ice and snow in mid June.

We didn't stick around too long, and thankfully it took a lot less time to go down the mountain than up.
My knee was bothering me a bit on the way down, hope it's nothing I have to worry about. By the time we got back to the truck, Olive was mostly dry, but still muddy. We gave her some food and water and then loaded up to go into town to get some food. We finally saw some sheep on the drive down the pass.
We are not super fans of Cabin Creek, but we wanted a beer and we hadn't eaten anything all day (other than a waffle and an applesauce). Their food is good, the beer is marginal and the service is pretty terrible.
We made a second stop at Parry's on the way home for some better, less expensive beer. Goodbye, weekend.
Monday (21,511 steps) - Ben's first day at his new job. I got up early so I could run before work since a). it was supposed to be hot and b). because I had lunch plans. Work from home and Ariel and I got coffee before she went to work. Took Olive for a walk. Went to Torchy's for lunch so I could be there when Ariel did her dorm room selection. Did laundry and finished up the work day before going out to drive, but didn't stay out too long because it was slow and hot. Ben picked up pizza for dinner and we took Olive for a walk. 4 Noses for a beer and then home to watch TV. Power went out about 15 minutes before we would normally go to bed. Unfortunately, it didn't come back on until after midnight, so I spent a lot of time flopping around because I was hot. Ugh.

  • 135,127 steps
  • 22.65 miles run
  • 24.77 miles walked
  • 0 minutes of cardio
  • 15 minutes of strength

Hennepin Hundred (Race Recap)

Sterling, IL Saturday, October 5 100 Mile attempt #22 Weather - HOT, sunny This was a later signup for me. After I didn't finish the 100...