Thursday, April 25, 2019

Week in Review (April 16 - April 22)

Tuesday (20,001 steps) - Strength class during lunch. Milk Market run club! I decided I really need to get my ass in gear for my big races this year - instead of starting with the group, started from my office and got 6 miles in.
Once again, the food was fantastic. Going to enjoy this group!

Wednesday (20,544 steps) - FINALLY got back up to Boulder for run club.
I was not surprised to be the last one up the hill, but man, it was nice to be out on the trails again - and they were actually in pretty good condition, considering how much moisture we've had.

Thursday (15,872 steps) - Core class during lunch. Berkeley Park run club! A didn't want to run so I started early and ran a little over 4 miles. Woot!

Trans Rockies was at the store giving away an entry, and I really can't believe I didn't win. Rigged! (haha)
Friday (17,453 steps) - Got to work and there was an email that the office was closing early - hurray!! Went for an hour long walk during lunch - so warm and sunny out. Is spring finally here??
Actually saw... a bookmobile!
Got my tires rotated on the way home, picked up A and then headed back into Denver to meet up with friends at Wynkoop Brewery. The service was pretty much the worst I have ever had. Grrrr. It was fun to see everyone though (Corky, Jen, Eliot, Bob, Jennifer, Jared, etc).

Got home a little later than we would have liked and then had to get our aid station ready.
Saturday (42,923 steps) - Drove to Northglenn to set up our aid station.
By the time we got to the start the sun came out and I feared we might all die of heat stroke. Micheal made a surprise appearance and I convinced Jen to join me for 20 miles. Blah!! I haven't run a 20 miler since last summer, and even though I've been getting my long runs in, my base miles have been VERY low. The route had a bunch of rollers, and I knew before even finishing the first 10 mile loop that I was going to be suffering on the second one. I made it through 15-16 miles before I really started to fall apart and ALLLLL the walking in the world. It was so hot, and I was so miserable. At one point I actually decided to lie down on a picnic table. Miserable. But, I got it done.
 A and I went to Godfather's Pizza for lunch - yum! Wings and pizza. Met Ben at Torchy's for dinner.
Sunday (16,282 steps) - Up early for Wester! Super happy that Ben was able to come down for the weekend and we were able to get out there - even though he takes forever getting ready and we were a tad late. He had big goals of running the whole trail (12 miles) - and I had no intention of doing that many because I figured my legs would be toast after 20 (plus he is a lot faster than I am).
Ariel and I had a great time running with Pika, however, and the weather was SO much better - cool & even a little rainy.

Right near the end of the trail, Ariel did fall - sliding on her stomach. She got some pretty nasty battle wounds. She's tough, though, and still finished the rest of the run.
Once Ben got back we headed into Morrison and went to the Red Rocks Beer Garden - we each had a beer and after hanging out for a bit decided to head towards the house and get some wings at Buffalo Wild Wings. By now, totally exhausted. 2+ hour nap, and then Game of Thrones! This season is completely nuts.
Monday (18,112 steps) - Core class during lunch. Ben decided to stick around for another day and we planned on going to New Terrain for run club. Then I found out that they had cancelled the run due to poor conditions. Jeffco didn't officially close, so we planned on Ben heading out for more miles and then we would meet him there. Unfortunately trails were super muddy. A and I took Pika for a run/walk around the neighborhoods.
"Big" Pika in a tiny car 
We met up at the brewery for a drink, then had pho for dinner.

  • 151,187 steps
  • 46.4 miles run
  • 3 gym classes and a few walks

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Week in Review (April 9 - April 15)

Tuesday (14,978 steps) - Strength class during lunch. After work I was excited to be going to a new run club! (How can there possibly be SO MANY run clubs in metro Denver?) This one was at the Denver Milk Market - basically a big venue with many different eateries. Friend and teammate Anne was in charge. Thankfully, Lisa showed up so I had someone to run with. It was warm, and it felt hard.
But!! There was a TON of free food after, plus Anne bought our first drinks (and I only had one), so the whole evening was free! Plus, there was enough food left over that I was able to bring stuff home to A!

Wednesday (6,577 steps) - Woke up with a full blown cold, and felt crappy all day long. Picked up pho on the way home and skipped run club. Which I was on the fence about attending anyway, since it was a blizzard outside.
Thursday (13,380 steps) - Core class during lunch. Berkeley Park after for Phil's 50th (?!) birthday! Felt super crappy during this run. Fatigued and just overall blah (thanks, cold or allergies). Ran with A and JT and we decided to call it quits after running just over 2.

Spent the evening trying to fix my iCloud glitch and watching the finale of This is Us.
Friday (12,923 steps) - Walked on the treadmill during lunch so I could watch Game of Thrones. Rushed home after work to get A and then drove down to Dulce's for family dinner. (Can't believe we haven't seen everyone for two months!) Delicious evening of nachos and margaritas!

This is Matilda, isn't she adorable?
Saturday (36,427 steps) - Runner's Edge! I had 16 on schedule and was SUPER not looking forward to it. I've been sick, and generally fatigued since getting back from vacation. It was a lot colder than I thought it would be for sure. Sheila was out of town, and our back-up pace group leader bowed out after mere minutes. So between all THOSE things, I started the run off on the wrong foot. I generally felt horrible the whole time, but a bit better after using the bathroom at Caribou around mile 7, haha. Suffered through, and super happy to be done.

Made fajitas for lunch.
FINALLY got caught up on Game of Thrones and then drove up to Summit County. Like last week, met up with Ben at Angry James. Usual routine of grocery store & picking up pizza.
Sunday (13,628 steps) - Big plans of running outside, but by the time we had breakfast & a nap it was windy and yucky outside. Ben then insisted that we run at the gym. I'll cut to the chase and say that my first treadmill run in almost 3 years was miserable. I do NOT miss running inside AT ALL. Suffered through just under an hour before giving up. Picked up dinner at Cheba Hut (I hadn't been there in years, so good!) and then took Pika for a quick walk.
Don't we have cute shadows? haha
Game of Thrones premier!! I was a tad disappointed, mainly because for some reason I thought it would be two hours, and it was only one.
Monday (9,155 steps) - Another 4:15 wake up call to get home in time to get ready for work and school. Core class during lunch. Had hoped to get over to North Table, but ended up having to pick A up at Scouts a bit later than usual.
I certainly didn't get to drive go-carts when *I* was in Girl Scouts
Tokyo Joe's BOGO, laundry, in bed early.
  • 107,068 steps
  • 25.1 miles run (it's hard to believe I was running 40-50 mile weeks, like ever)
  • 3 gym classes

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Week in Review (April 2 - April 8)

Tuesday (14,363 steps) - See this post Krakow - wax museum, bike tour, Lost Souls Alley
Wednesday (7,125 steps) - See this post Travel back home!
Thursday (16,711 steps) - Thanks to jet lag, I slept fantastic the night before. Went to the gym at lunch for a core class that felt somewhat tough after 10 days of not doing any strength training. Went to Berkeley Park after work. A and I ran just over 3 miles (that felt really hard) and then we stuck around to listen to David Clark talk about his newest book. Home later than planned.
Friday (6,288 steps) - Up crazy early. Went to Allison's memorial service during lunch. Super depressing. Too exhausted to go to the store after work.
Saturday (32,910 steps) - Runners Edge!
Ariel and I both decided to run the max distance, which was 12. A ran with the 4 hour pace group, however. The first 9 weren't terrible, but the last three were not the best.

Stuck around at the Roost for a bit to attend the marathon panel on shoes. Went home, showered, packed and drove up to the mountains. Met up with Ben at Angry James again.
Seems like we have a bit of a routine - grocery store, picked up pizza, tv.
Sunday (4,658 steps) - Slept "late." Ben made breakfast (the usual - cinnamon rolls & bacon). Ended up taking an hour and a half nap, then we decided we would go up to Leadville to see Eliot for his birthday. The beer was meh, the service was terrible. The company was good, however.
Stopped at Outer Range on the way home. Attempted to play Exploding Kittens (which none of us understood). By the time we got home it was after 8.
Watched part of "The Martian," before going to bed around 9. How do weekends go by so fast?? (And also, it appears I barely moved all day. Hm.)
Monday (9,450 steps) - The 4:10 am wake up call so we could drive home for work/school. So tired!! Give myself huge props for actually making it to the gym for a core workout. The evening was spent at a 2.5 hour long HOA meeting. Why so long? Well, they board sent out a memo that there was going to be a special assessment of $2000... that they wanted paid by May 1. Needless to say, the turnout was HUGE. (The budget & assessment were ultimately rejected). By the time we were done, it was definitely too late to be making food. I ordered Torchy's on the way home. They are painting a cool mural inside.
  • 91,505 steps
  • 15 miles run
  • 8ish miles on a bike (I KNOW) and one gym visit

Hennepin Hundred (Race Recap)

Sterling, IL Saturday, October 5 100 Mile attempt #22 Weather - HOT, sunny This was a later signup for me. After I didn't finish the 100...