Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Week in Review (January 23 - January 28)

Tuesday (10,667 steps) - Strength class during lunch. Walk to the lake.
Wednesday (20,097 steps) - A few attorneys took me out to lunch for a late "holiday" thank you. We went to Jax's near Union Station - and I stepped way outside my comfort zone and had a Lobster BLT - and boy was it delicious!! Roost Boulder! Not as great a run as last time, overall pretty tired. Trails were in pretty decent condition, though.

Thursday (11,200 steps) - Core during lunch. Belmar after. Ran the small loop with Dulce. There was a presentation after with "Funny Runner."
We actually went to Chuy's after - a lot of fun. Dinner should always be a margarita and chips.
Friday (11,286 steps) - Core during lunch. Again. Bad idea to do core two days in a row. Walk to the lake:
Ariel added more (and different) color to my hair. Eee!
Saturday (18,512 steps) - Easy run with Runners Edge. Nice to only run 6 miles.

We had one of the last aid station pick-up times, so we went to Mimi's with Janet.
I hadn't wanted to spend money on breakfast, but it was really good. Spent the day doing laundry and packing. Eep! Actually did my hair so I could see what it looked like with the new color. A bit more dramatic than I expected, but I really like it!! I may actually have to "care" and do my hair once in a while.
Sunday (12,719 steps) - bRUNch with Mo and Colfax at Milk Market. This is a fun monthly run that I will try to do as often as I can.

Had a frittata and a bloody Mary. Went to Target after to pick up a bunch of random items. Tried to nap. Went to Wrigley's for the 2019 RMRR banquet. Sooo many people in such a small space. Fun night though, and I enjoyed winning (7th place) for the Trophy Series!

Monday (10,060 steps) - The 1-2" of snow we had predicted ended up being a nightmare of a winter storm. Took an hour and a half to get to work, barely made it there. Core class during lunch. So exhausted from the day that we skipped the Stapleton anniversary run :( We did, however, go on a walk to the lake (and had a LOT of fun), had pho for dinner, and went to bed insanely early.


  • 94,541 steps
  • 22.4 miles run
  • 4 gym classes

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Week in Review (January 15 - January 22)

Tuesday (15,914 steps) - Strength class during lunch. Headed over to a new run club - Sunnyside at Factotum Brewhouse. The route was kinda meh, but it was fun running with my Belmar peeps. We stuck around for drinks after, but it was a bummer that there was no trivia like advertised!
Wednesday (13,007 steps) - On my way to work I called into a local radio station and... WON TICKETS TO SEE 2CELLOS!! What an exciting morning! Core during lunch. We skipped going to Boulder to go to the Denver store for Sip &  Paint with Saucony. Easy 5K with A, Mo & Colfax and then a fun time painting! My random watercolor earned me second place and a $15 gift card to the store! Woot!

Thursday (10,180 steps) - Supposed to go to lunch with my team, but canceled at the last minute. Ended up going to Rock Bottom and getting a burger instead. Stopped by the Pepsi Center on my way home to pick up the tickets I won (woot!)
Went to BRC in Boulder for an event with Dave Mackey. A didn't want to run since she had been at track earlier in the day, so we just did a walk around the area - a deer even ran in front of us in middle of downtown Boulder! (But apparently no pics from the event...)
Friday (10,158 steps) - Nada! Went to Joyride after work to hang out with Joni (and others) for a going away "party." Didn't stay too long since A was at home. Quick walk - cold and super slick out because it snowed all day.
Saturday (30,635 steps) - Runners Edge season kickoff! It was super cold, but I still managed to get in 12 miles AND I saw two bald eagles! Plus, there were pancakes after, so that was nice.

Sunday (12,350 steps) - Walk with A in the neighborhood before she had a Girl Scout field trip to the planetarium.
I thought maybe I might go do something while she was gone, but I ended up just going to Target and then went for a walk around the lake. Lots of cleaning for the rest of the day. Boring. Tried to stay up for the "Super Blood Wolf Moon," but only made it about halfway thorough because it was late/cold.
Monday (18,757 steps) - Stayed in bed until 8. Felt like getting outside, but not for a run. Ended up walking for a few hours. Watched a movie, picked up lunch and did more cleaning. A was dropped off around 2:30. Went for another walk, dinner, early to bed.

  • 111,001 steps
  • 31.8 miles run/walked
  • 2 gym classes

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Week in Review (January 8 - January 14)

Tuesday (13,188 steps) - Strength class during lunch. Walk to the lake with A after work.
Wednesday (23,844 steps) - Boulder run club! For the first time EVER, I was able to get through the first 2ish miles without a single walk break. Woot! I felt pretty strong the whole run.
We had enough time to color A's hair after run club - she loves it! (Better pics to follow at some point).
Thursday (11,475 steps) - Core class during lunch, encountered the Stock Show parade on my walk back to the office. 
Walking at Berkeley Park.
I convinced A that she had time to put highlights in my hair.
And it turned out FANTASTIC (pics are actually from the next day, obviously)

Friday (9,905 steps) - Not sure how I didn't get 10,000 steps for the day - weird! Rain/snow all day long. Met up with friends for lunch at the new pizza place downtown. Grocery shopping. Went for a walk with A to the lake (yes, even though it was snowing).

Grocery shopping. Went for a walk with A to the lake (yes, even though it was snowing).
Saturday (20,344 steps) - Up early and decided that since it was no longer snowing that we would attempt to go to Brainard Lake for snowshoeing since it was an off week for Runners Edge. The roads were actually not awful, although I had to drive a lot slower than I normally do. Saw two moose on the way!

Snowshoeing was a lot of fun and not as cold or windy as I feared it might be. Over 5 miles around the lake.

Then we went to James Peak Brewery in Nederland for lunch with Michelle and Scott.

Home to shower, then met up with Kristin and family for Kokopelli's 5th anniversary.
AND THEN, down to Dulce's for Second Saturday. Busiest day ever.

Sunday (16,192 steps) - Slept in!!! Head up to Boulder for the Leadville Lottery reveal. Once again, even running a 10 minute pace was too slow to keep up with the group, so I kinda got lost. Luckily, it's "just Boulder," and I was able to get my bearings without too much difficulty. Ended up running 6 miles (instead of 5), and a pretty fast pace.

Panel was interesting, and fun to see so many people there, lots of friends got in! Spur of the moment decision (thanks, Jared) to sign Ariel up for the Heavy Half (and apparently, I'm in for the marathon again. Sure. Why not.) We shut the place down, dinner, bed early.
Monday (16,031 steps) - Core class during lunch. Stapleton run club after! A actually decided to run with me and paced me for a pretty speedy 5K.
Station 26 after for beers - it was great to chat with Carol, we never see her now that we don't run much in Denver.

  • 110,979 steps
  • 15.9 miles run (is this right? haha)
  • 3 trips to the gym, snowshoeing & a few walks

Sedona half marathon (Race Recap)

Sedona, AZ Saturday, February 1 Half Marathon #197 Weather - chilly at the start, sunny We planned to get up pretty early, even though it wa...