Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The 50K Giveaway!!

It rhymes, therefore it MUST be awesome.

I am super excited for my upcoming 50K. It is my FIRST ultra AND also my first trail run. I'll be running the Greenland Trail 50K... and YAY that L is joining me for it. It's my greatest challenge to date!

With that said. Anyone who follows my blog knows that I am a creature of habit. When I find something that works, I stick with it. That especially goes for...


I have a pretty standard race outfit:

From top to bottom:
  • Headband - Coordinated with my outfit... duh!
  • Sunglasses and/or Visor
  • Tank top.... 99.9% of the time (except Kansas), I wear a tank. I get way too hot and sweat too much to wear anything else when I race.
  • Garmin watch - I'm obsessed with mine.
  • Road ID - You can never be too careful
  • Running Skirt - They are comfortable, cute, and practical (Really! They have pockets!)
  • Compression socks - Besides looking awesome, I firmly believe they help to keep my legs fresh
  • Newton Running Shoes - I love these!!
With that said...

I have contacted some of my FAVORITE brands/manufacturers, and I am PSYCHED to announce my latest giveaway:


1. Underneath It All

If you have been following my blog for any amount of time, you know that I have been suffering on and off from random foot/ankle pain. Not quite bad enough for me to see a doctor, but annoying. A few races it has affected performance as the throbbing has been quite intense. The regimen for the longest time was just to ice and take it easy. Then I found a sample of a product in a swag bag from a race. KT Tape, which boasts "Perfect for common sports injuries" and "Pain relief and support for Muscles and Joints." Well, that is exactly what I was looking for so I tested it out. NO KIDDING that this tape is the best, hands down. Easy to use and comes in more than a dozen fun colors, this tape has done WONDERS for my ankle pain. How big of a fan am I?

Pink, Light Blue & Silver!
I contacted KT Tape and they are donating a roll, in a color of your choice. Visit their website to check out all the colors, find out more product information and view application videos.

2. Holding Back

Nothing is more annoying to me than little pieces of hair in my face when I am working out. I'm happy I discovered awesome headbands to hold it all in place. Who knew they came in SO many colors and designs? By far, my favorite brand of bands is Razzy Roo. If you are looking for unique designs, and prompt and personal customer service, this is the headband for you!! I first tested out a Razzy Roo headband for the Thunder Road half marathon I ran last December. Look how awesome the band is:

I was a bit worried about washing them, but I have washed ALL of them, including the glitter bands. Put them in a regular cycle in the washing machine and then air dry! I adore these bands! I have since acquired quite the collection of them. Honestly, you can get one for just about every situation you can imagine:

I contacted Razzy Roo, and the winner of the giveaway may chose any headband of their choice (and there are a lot of them!) Visit their website to check out all the options!

3. Run Like a Girl

I started wearing running skirts shortly after I saw a girl wearing one at a race two years ago. It never occurred to me to shop the internet looking for different brands, so I settled for the one I found at my local sporting goods store. It was the only one I had for ages. Then when I started this journey to run 50 half marathons in 50 states, I encountered an entirely different group of runners and bloggers. These ladies ran in STYLE! And so the obsession began... literally.

I am a colorful person, so when I came across Running Skirts, I fell in love. All the choices in colors and patterns? The first skirt I bought from them was from their "Princess" line. I was on a mission to find a yellowish/gold skirt that would match my new Half Fanatics top. Immediately I was hooked. I started racing in these awesome skirts and coordinating awesome outfits:

Boston Half Marathon (October 2010)
Athens Classic Marathon (October 2010)
Mississippi Blues Half Marathon (January 2011)
NYC Half Marathon (March 2011)
My collection has gotten... rather large:

I contacted the lovely ladies at Running Skirts, and they are offering a free ultra swift skirt since this is all about my first ultra! They come in a lot of fun colors, and have an extra third pocket in the back. I ran wearing the black ultra skirt (linked above) when I ran the Martian half marathon in Detroit last month. That third pocket was great for holding the keys to my rental car! I love the "freedom" of running in a skirt. I find the pockets very useful for my iPod, GU, and extra piece of gum. Best part is... NO CHAFING!!

So, if you have always been wanting to try a skirt, now is the time!! Visit the Running Skirts website and pick your favorite color available in the ultra swift skirts!

4. Being Safe

One of the most important items that I run with when I am not at the gym is my Road ID. Be safe when you run. Wear a Road ID that has all your emergency contact information, you never know what could to happen. I have had mine for about a year, and honestly, I don't even notice it when I wear it (well, except for my awesome tan line). Road ID has agreed to contribute a Wrist ID Sport to the winner, color of their choice. I personally like the yellow:

Visit their website and check out the colors that are available. (PS, if you don't win this contest and don't currently have one, they are a great investment. I have had a link to them on my sidebar for about a year now).

Other prizes TBD but I wanted to get the ball rolling on this one!

Entries accepted until 4:00 MST, May 5. Winner will be announced shortly after.

ENTRIES (you MUST enter these all as separate comments or you will only be given one entry). Check out the requirements. I am giving all of you LOTS of chances to win.

**Guys, I apologize for the girly giveaway! Don't be discouraged! You should still enter and you could be the best husband/boyfriend/friend for your favorite lady!**

1. Become a follower of my blog, or let me know if you already are. REQUIRED
2. Follow KT Tape on Facebook
3. Follow Razzy Roo on Facebook
4. Follow Running Skirts on Facebook
5. Visit KT Tape's website and pick YOUR favorite color of tape
6. Visit Razzy Roo's website and pick YOUR favorite band
7. Visit Running Skirts's website and pick your favorite color of ultra swift skirt
8. I love a good race. Post the official website for YOUR favorite race.
9. I love an underdog! I want to hear (briefly) about your greatest challenge with running.
10. What are the three items YOU can't race without?
11. Link this giveaway on a sidebar of your blog OR as a blog entry.
12. Follow Road ID on Facebook
13. Visit Road ID website and tell me YOUR favorite color of the Wrist ID sport


  1. I'm a follower! What a great giveaway!

  2. I love the purple Ultra Swift :D

  3. Favorite race:

  4. Love the purple ultra swift skirt

  5. I like the Hooty Hoo thin headband.

  6. The Lizards on the Loose Razzy Roo band is so cute!

  7. Favorite race *so far*:

  8. Greatest challenge: That I'm slow. I get impatient.

  9. Always race with: My phone, my hair tied up, and my handheld.

  10. Three items I can't race without: Headband or visor, body glide and my Brooks shoes

  11. Linked on my sidebar :D.

    You're going to ROCK the 50K.

  12. follower over here!

  13. ummm awesome awesome awesome giveaway B! of course I"m a follower of your blog

  14. just started following KT tape

  15. i follow razzy roo already on facebook!

  16. already an avid follower of running skirts on FB

  17. wow its tough to choose b/n the green or the pink tape. I'll choose pink bc its girly

  18. My must have training/racing item is a Fuel Belt...just can't go without!

  19. I have my eye on one of the new mum-print skirts!

  20. i'm going to go with the narrow bands rock'n guitars pink apple white bc that would be a great asset to our 80s outfit for See Jane Run (i'm still planning on doing this!!)

  21. the gold ultra skirt will go nicely with my half fanatic shirt!!

  22. I'm not really sure what my favorite race has been thus far. I would post a link to the Flying Pig which I'm sure will be a good one, but L said u think it doesn't count since it goes through KY lol.
    Even though you were there running it with me, Charlotte's Thunderoad I loved- not only was it my PR, but the course was great, good support both ppl and aide stations, but also great scenery.

  23. My greatest challenge with running- being consistent! Finding a good racing pace (and keeping it) will work on one race, and then the next its all over the place. I'm SLOWLY learning its all in how I go out for the first mile.

  24. 3 items I can't race without:
    Saucony shoes
    Compression shorts under skirts :)

  25. Lastly, posted the giveaway on my giveaway section of my blog.
    Good luck on your 50k!!!

  26. I follow running skirts on FB

  27. My favourite race is:
    most beautiful fall scenery

  28. I love the red KT tape

  29. I love the black ultra swift running skirt!

  30. 3 items I can't race without:
    running skirts
    Newton shoes

  31. How exciting! Good luck!!!!
    I am a follower, of course!

  32. I don't think 33 is too old for a glitter band, do you?

  33. Seattle Rock N Roll. It's my favorite because I haven't run it yet.

  34. My greatest challenge was being injured. It was so hard to see everyone else running!

  35. I need a hat/visor/headband, compression socks and a skirt! (Technically, shoes, too, but whatevs.)

  36. Linked on Mom vs. Marathon! Thanks!

  37. Richmond Marathon, half and 8K. I love the 8K, but all three have great courses and downhill finishes!

  38. I can't run without my knee highs, skirt and sunglasses.

  39. My greatest challenge is my mental game while racing. Give me a pace in training and I can hold it all day. But race time comes and I start to doubt it. I think it's because there is nothing to lose in training. Such a headcase.

  40. Green is my favorite color in general, so I'd be all about the green KT Tape.

  41. I love the double blueberry stripes headband. It's very classy looking.

  42. I love the gold ultra running skirt. It's so pretty and happy looking.


    It was my first mud run ever, and it's SO MUCH FUN. I still love it a ton.

  44. My greatest challenge with running is mental. I am a goal oriented person, so it's natural for me to set running goals. But, I am most in love with running when it's all "junk miles" and I'm running for the joy of it. If I over schedule myself I get really frustrated and stop running. I need to learn to completely let go, I think.

  45. Follower of you! How exciting about hte 50K!

  46. I cannot race without:

    Sports bra
    Sun glasses
    hair tie

    I'm very low key with my racing. I almost never run with music. But, I cannot stand to have hair in my face, or the sun in my eyes.

  47. I like Running Skirts on FB.

  48. I'd go with the Green tape as my favorite

  49. I like the Black Ultra Swift skirt - nice and simple

  50. Favorite Razzy Roo - FLASHY 5K.

  51. Good race -

  52. Greatest challenge - being too overconfident after my first marathon when I did my next half - wow, it was hard!

  53. 3 items - headband, Garmin and tank top - I get really hot when running too!

  54. hmmm right now my favorite razzyroo is paisley/green

  55. the race i most enjoyed was

  56. my crrrrraziest race was in San Diego... my ITB flared at mile 12, but I refused to quit... by mile 20 I was moving at a 20min pace and had to borrow a specatators phone to call my husband. He met up with me and tried to convince me to stop, realized I wouldn't and so then gave me the final boost of love i needed to keep going and finish in just over 5 hours!

  57. I must have to race: body glide, pink compression socks and my sweatyband

  58. i like the KT TApe red, seems powerful!

  59. i am now following KT tape on FB...boy I'm exhausted, hope I win!!

  60. oh how I would love to win this!
    I follow you

  61. favorite color: I don't have one so I would pick black for my first one

  62. favorite race so far: Carlsbad Half Marathon

  63. cannot race without:
    1. Garmin
    2. hat
    3. ipod

  64. Greatest challenge: PACE: I start too fast, then I panic and I cannot find a happy pace where I can do damage control.

  65. I'd get the blue KT tape. Blue is my fave color.

  66. I like the cotton candy stripes Razzy Roo band.

  67. I'm plain... I'd get the black ultra swift skirt.

  68. My fave race was the Nike Women's Half-Marathon:

  69. I can't race without my iPod, Fitsoks, and a clips/bobby pins for my hair.

  70. I think my greatest challenge is happening now. I want to finish a full marathon someday, but each year I get injured. I'm not trying for a full this year because I'm getting married in September, but 2012 will be my year. :)

  71. I ran my first Half sick as anything..although I didn't realize it at the time. I couldn't figure out why I was walking around mile 2...on the way from PA to VA I had to pull over multiple times...stomach virus..ugh

  72. compression shorts
    my champion sports bra
    either my bondi band or my visor to keep the sun, sweat or hair out of my eyes

  73. my favorite was Tim Harmon's 5k run...small run, fun band and I won a door prize...My favorite half would have to be the OBX Flying Pirate Half..not to big and put together really well

  74. Holy moly -- great giveaway. I follow!

  75. Razzy Roo: I think I'll have to go with the pink glitter. So cute. :)

  76. Ok, I love pink... but not sure I'd love it on my bottom half. I'll go with the yellow Running Skirt!

  77. So far my favorite race has been the Get in Gear half marathon in Minneapolis, MN! Pretty views, great support, and it's not so big where people get lost in the crowds.

  78. Running underdog story: This is the first time I realize I'm relatively decent at something (too late though, since I have the "Average" moniker) -- it's taken a lot of practice & training.

  79. Race essentials: Garmin, Newton shoes (pink of course), positive mindset

  80. I'm a follower & have been for, like, a really long time.

  81. Razzy Roo's headband that is the best: cotton candy stripes.

  82. For the RunningSKirts - I like the POOL color ULTRA swift skirt.

  83. Becca - You gotta add this one to your list. Not only is it a great course w/ lots of fun people, what a great excuse to get yourself down to NOLA!

  84. My greatest challenge with running, aside from all the usual injuries, has just been trying to get back into it since having a baby. It took me a year of slow building to get back but I'm glad I'm here! 50lbs lighter and good to go!

  85. Can't race without:
    1. Hat
    2. Watch (I'm still Garmin-less but I NEED my HRM or watch)
    3. Chapstick

  86. Your giveaway is posted in my side-bar.

  87. i like running skirts on fb and would sooo love to win one!!

  88. fav razzy roo headband? PREPPY PINK/BLACK STRIPES

  89. fav running skirt? fuschia ultra swift skirt

  90. fav race website: This was a fun 5k on a nice flat course -- and most surprising of all is i took first place age group in a big city! (Granted lots of great runners were busy doing the half marathon instead..i'm sure that helped my chances!)

  91. My greatest challenge with running? I don't think it's any different than a lot of runners out there -- but for me, it's finding the time. The treadmill is just not the same as some good ol' RUNNING outside so when someone can watch the kids, i'm there!

  92. 3 items i can't race without? My visor (which doubles as a sweatband for me!), a fan holding my camera (i love race pics - thanks, Mom!), and my water bottle!

  93. posted on my blog -

  94. Already like RunningSkirts on FB.

  95. Can't race without my Garmin, BodyGlide, or my compression shorts.

  96. I'll go with the basic black skirt.

  97. The Navy RazzyRoo Glitter headband is too cute!

  98. I need that RS purple ultra swift skirt. :)

  99. Can't race without: hat, running skirt and Garmin. And GU. That's four. ;)

  100. Greatest challenge: Kicking my body into ultramarathon training gear. My poor bod...

  101. Favorite race: Duh. ;)

  102. I follow running skirts on facebook.

  103. My hometown marathon!

  104. I'm planning on these race to be my favorite this summer. It's new to me.

  105. Linking your giveaway on my sidebar. Can't wait to read about your 50, gulp, k.

  106. woooo for more entries. i already like road id on facebook

  107. my favorite color is the purple, i do own one already, but I want to get one for my mom because she is on blood thinners and I keep telling her she needs to wear a bracelet incase shes out and about and gets cut!

  108. i love the orange kt tape. wish it came in purple!

  109. the razzyroos blue gone country band is cute!

  110. i know i am gonna love it this weekend

  111. my greatest challenge has been my asthma. i never thought i would be able to accomplish a 5k much less a marathon. i’m very thankful for the medicine that helps me!!

  112. i can’t race without my zensah compression socks, spibelt, and bodyglide

  113. I am a new follower of your blog!! Very excited!

  114. I am now following Running Skirts on Facebook!

  115. My favorite KT Tape color would definately have to be green! =)

  116. My favorite Razzy Roo headband would have to be the pink cheetah print or the cotton candy stripes!!

  117. Mums in Bloom running skirt is my fav! So cute!!

    Run through scenic downtown Charleston, SC and over the famous Ravenal Bridge...absolutely beautiful

  119. I just recently completed my first marathon and boy what a challenge it was! Mentally, I felt I had to fight the urge to walk and physically I needed to walk, which I had not anticipated. Definately an experience I will never forget but one that I am itching to do again!

  120. I can't race without my headband, my Garmin, and my Gu energy gel.

  121. I already have a pink road ID! Love it!

  122. I now Like KT Tape on facebook!!

  123. my favourite road ID colour is red

  124. I am now following your blog! What an amazing adventure you have going here! Thanks for this great giveaway!

  125. I also "like" RoadID on FB already too! :)

  126. My favorite KT color tape right now is green. ;)

  127. Not sure if I can pick the Aqua Wave Ultra Swift Skirt or not, but that's my fave. If I had to choose from the solid colors, I would love the Pool Ultra Swift Skirt.

    LOVE Running Skirts! Thanks for the chance to win one!

  128. The Razzy Roo headband I like is the All Jazzed Up Brown/Turquoise narrow band!

  129. My favorite race so far is the Ukrop's Monument Av 10K Race in Richmond, VA! So much fun!

  130. Running gear I can't race without:

    Road ID bracelet
    RunKeeper on my cell phone

  131. I Follow Razzy Roo on Facebook.


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

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