Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Week in Review (March 19 - March 25)

Tuesday (20,021 steps) - Strength class during lunch. I have a shadow! Girl that was new the day before said she was going to follow me to all the stations since I look like I know what I'm doing. Flattering, and she's pretty nice. No one was planning on going to Factotum, so I decided I'd do an "easy" run at the lake. It was a pretty terrible run.
But! I got a fun surprise when I got back - Ben decided to make it "FB official" that we are dating. (We've been seeing each other since October, if anyone was wondering).
Wednesday (16,130 steps) - A had "math family dinner" and wasn't going to be able to go to run club. I had a really long/crappy day at work and ended up being there until after 5, so I headed down to Denver and ran with Mo & Colfax. No pictures, apparently. It was nice to see the people I used to run with before we started trail running in Boulder.
Thursday (13,127 steps) - Core class during lunch. Went to Belmar for the first time in ages. Had a pretty awful run with Dulce & Matilda. I don't know what's going on this week, but my legs are super fatigued.
Finally picked up a new Garmin for A! She's had her Forerunner 15 for 3 years, but the battery is barely getting her through her long runs. She will need something that lasts longer for her summer plans. Went to Crazy Mountain after and got to catch up with Lisa & Annette.
Friday (9,012 steps) - Thankfully, a rest day. Work has been chaotic with my new desk assignments and Nicole being on vacation. Glad that soon *I* will be on vacation! A and I went to dinner at Sweet Tomatoes and we both got hair cuts! My hair is super short now.
Saturday (23,329 steps) - Runners Edge! I had a lot more miles on schedule, but since we are "tapering," we opted to just do the 7 mile loop. After all my runs feeling like garbage all week, it was nice for this "easy" run to actually feel easy.
Went to breakfast with Pete, Janet, and a few others.
(plus pancakes...)
Then it was home for showering & finally packing. I swear this is the last organized I've ever been for a vacation. Watched a lot of TV until Ben showed up with Torchy's for a late dinner.
Sunday (17,119 steps) - I took A to her friend's house - they had plans to see a movie. Ben, Pika & I went for a run at the lake. Ben is much faster, so this was a little outside my comfort zone, but it ended up being fine.
Jackets didn't last long - it got warm (turns out, 48 is HOT)
We went to 4 Noses for some drinks and delicious burgers. And then, I ended up napping (for three hours?!). TV, took my aid station stuff to Jeramiah's house (he is covering for me while I'm on vacation) - A was dropped off at 9.
The cats do not super love Pika, but Robin likes Ben!
Monday (10,396 steps) - Up early to go to the gym before work - core & strength class. Left work early to pick up A and head to the airport for our spring vacation!

  • 109,134 steps
  • 23.5 miles run
  • 4 classes at the gym

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Week in Review (March 12 - March 18)

Tuesday (15,745 steps) - Strength class during lunch. Factotum/Sunnyside run club! The run felt pretty hard, and I'm guessing it's because we did a LOT of squats during class. It also felt REALLY hot, and I was probably overdressed. Ended up running in my sports bra for half the run.
Very cool random "flower garden" in the park
After, we had special "Justin Timberlake" trivia. And crazy, we won AGAIN!! (Even though none of us really had any extreme knowledge of JT).
Wednesday (4,649 steps) - Bomb Cyclone 2019. Schools were cancelled, work was cancelled. I made 3 dozen cookies and breakfast.

Other than that, a load of laundry and watching a LOT of TV. Pretty sure we watched at least 4 movies and some other stuff. Had pho delivered when the roads cleared because I REALLY didn't want to leave the house.
Thursday (15,913 steps) - Schools cancelled again, only a 2 hour delay for me. Although honestly, by then, the roads weren't that bad and no one was out. My class at the gym was cancelled though because the trainer couldn't safely get downtown. Special run from Runners Roost in Boulder for the team kickoff! (Have I mentioned how much I am enjoying not having to run with a headlamp???)
I ran with Maureen & Colfax. Love the gear this year, the colors are fun! Snacks and beer, home fairly late.
Friday (13,183 steps) - I would have preferred to take my class during lunch, but I ended up getting roped into a meeting. Instead, I went to the gym at 6 am for the first time since last fall. Took both a core & strength class.
Hard to believe we had a blizzard 36 hours ago
Saturday (37,784 steps) - Runners Edge! I had looked at the forecast and saw that it was supposed to be 30 degrees when we started, so I wore a skirt and a thin long sleeve. At the last minute, I also threw on my Smartwool vest. Turns out it was 19 degrees when we started. Everything felt hard during this run (and I remembered a few miles in it was probably because I took that bonus strength class). I didn't have to take any unplanned walk breaks, but overall felt blah. It also didn't help that my long sleeve shirt chafed under my right arm??? Never had this happen with a long sleeve... actually had to take my shirt off to try to keep it from getting worse. Was a bit cold for that.
Ate breakfast at Einstein's while waiting for our aid station pick up. Stopped at Roost Denver to say hi to people before going home to shower and get ready. Yogurtland on our way up to Ben's house. We met up at Angry James - where A and Ben played Connect 4, and then we all played some Apples to Apples.
Usual tradition of liquor & grocery stores before picking up pizza. Managed to get a dog walk in before it got dark.
Sunday (8,679 steps) - Slept in. Bacon & cinnamon rolls for breakfast.
One guess what the dogs are hoping for...
Took Pika for a walk, helped Ben with his AirBnb and then went to Outer Range.  It was a gorgeous drive so I actually had to pull over and get some pictures. Ben is so lucky to live in such a pretty place!

Cala Inn for an "Irish" dinner.
Bangers, mash & beer...
Took all three dogs for a walk around sunset. In bed pretty early.
Monday (9,497 steps) - 4 am wake up call to drive home before work. Went to core class during lunch. Pretty tired the whole day. Nothing else!

  • 105,450 steps
  • 20.4 miles run
  • 4 classes at the gym and dog walks

Friday, March 15, 2019

Week in Review (March 5 - March 11)

Tuesday (5,724 steps) - Strength class during lunch. And as is evidenced by my lack of steps - we celebrated Fat Tuesday by having fajitas, chips & queso, and eating a King Cake.
(Well, I ate MY half, Ariel DNF'd.) Went to bed early because I felt a little sick (weird, huh?)
Wednesday (17,302 steps) - Ariel texted me after school that her instrument "broke."
Thankfully, I had the sense to put insurance on the instrument and we were able to get it swapped out pretty painlessly.
Runners Roost Boulder! According to Strava, it was only a little muddy. I think the run was fine.

Thursday (8,015 steps) - Core class during lunch. A had a concert that lasted FOREVER. Kids really have improved a ton, however.
Friday (5,622 steps) - Nothing?
Saturday (20,690 steps) - Long run with Runners Edge. And by "long," this week was only 10 miles. We had plans to have breakfast with Pete & Janet and wanted to end up at Carnation. This week's run was the point to point "downhill" run starting in Golden. Where we planned on ending was actually 8 miles, so we had to run to 9 and then come back uphill the last mile.
I love how these are painted so they aren't so ugly!
Breakfast was amazing. A had a sleepover again to work on homework, so I drove up to Summit to see Ben. We had dinner at Cala, didn't do much else.
Sunday (7,544 steps) - Wanted to get back down the mountain early because they were planning avalanche mitigation. Unfortunately for us, they started a bit early and we ended up stopped on I-70 for about an hour.
A was planning on staying longer than expected at her friend's house so we stopped at New Image, then ate dinner at Torchy's.
Also known as the "sweetest" beer ever, holy cow
Took Pika for a walk to the lake.
Monday (6,794 steps) - Core class during lunch.

  • 71,691 steps (wow, pathetic!)
  • 16.3 miles run (only 2 runs!)
  • 3 trips to the gym

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Week in Review (February 26 - March 4)

Tuesday (12,812 steps) - Strength during lunch. Factotum / Sunnyside run club! Very low turnout, and the run was fast/easy. Thankfully, no trivia since Greg wasn't there. Stayed a bit too late because Phil wandered in right as we were leaving.
Wednesday (16,510 steps) - Went to lunch with my newest attorney at Elway's. So good! Roost Boulder run club. Tricia warned us that the trails were super muddy, so we ran "low" on the cow path. Very fast group tonight, and I was very last (again).

We were supposed to have brought food for a potluck, but I didn't remember in time. Womp.
Thursday (10,030 steps) - Core during lunch. Opted to skip running for the night, went to the grocery store and made fajitas for dinner.
Friday (7,826 steps) - Went to lunch with Eliot and Jared. Headed to BPCO for an event, out fairly late.
It was actually a really great panel. The guy in the middle is a "newer" runner - like 3-4 years. He actually ran Moab 240 (and finished!) last year, so I made sure to talk with him for a bit.
Saturday (34,735 steps) - Up early for Runners Edge. Our aid station was in Parker, but the run started out of Lone Tree. A has decided she is running with the faster pace group, and I had it in my head I was going to run 12-14 miles. Ended up running 15, which was probably a bit too much.
Was pretty much wrecked the rest of the day, tried to nap. Heather picked me up around 6 so that we could head to the Orgy/Lords of Acid concert at the Gothic. SO MUCH FUN!!! Didn't get home until about 2 in the morning, but what a fun night.

Sunday (9,395 steps) - RMRR 3 miler. A said it was too cold and snowy to run (she wasn't wrong), so she stayed home.

And to think, I was debating if I was going to run in a jacket!

Post-race. Kinda sad I don't look more frosty
We did a mass start because it was so cold.
Mile 1 - 10:12
Mile 2 - 11:09 (decent amount of walking)
Mile 3 - 9:30

Picked up Torchy's on the way home. Went to Target and spent a ridiculously large amount of money. Lots of things we didn't know we needed, apparently. Spent some time trying to finalize our itinerary for upcoming vacation.  Walking/Talking Dead.
Monday (11,160 steps) - Blah. So cold again on the drive in this morning. Core class during lunch. Walked on the treadmill for 45 minutes so I could actually get some steps in for the day. Met up with Sean, Jared, Corky & his son, Eliot & Jen at Sherpa House for dinner. Food was good and I'm pretty sure I haven't had so much fun on a night out in a while. My abs hurt so bad from laughing so much. What a great time!

  • 102,468 steps
  • 27.7 miles run
  • 2 trips to the gym and a walk

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Week in Review (February 19 - February 25)

Tuesday (13,309 steps) - Strength class during lunch. Sunnyside run club! We were bribed with free pizza to run. (Pizza was definitely worth it). Plus, we played trivia (again) and won (again) - so another round of free bar tabs! Home late.

Wednesday (19,946 steps) - Core class during lunch. Boulder run club! As per the norm, the run felt tough, but did manage one segment PR even though it was pretty icy.
Finale of the Strava challenge, which sadly, we didn't win. (They were giving away a Garmin Fenix!)
Went to Under the Sun after for another few stouts and mac & cheese.
Thursday (10,083 steps) - Belmar run club! A and I walked with Ang (and it was freeeezing).
We stopped by to watch the High Lonesome 100 video at BPCO and A was able to unload a bunch of Girl Scout cookies.
Friday (9,398 steps) - Took A to get a new cell phone in a blizzard, which wasn't fun. Otherwise, nothing?
Saturday (24,674 steps) - Even though we had gotten a ton of snow, the roads weren't too terrible, and the bike path we were running on for Runners Edge was plowed. Technically I should have been running double digits, but we opted to turn around at the 9 mile aid station, which was plenty.

Drove up to Summit to see Ben. Pho for dinner, which was delicious.
Sunday (8,044 steps) - Slept in, went for a snowy hike/walk.

Metering started very early at the tunnel, so I made the decision to go to bed early and drive back home in the morning.
Monday (8,351 steps) - 4 am came early. Dry roads and no traffic made the drive down pretty bearable. Core class during lunch. Nothing else, went to bed early. (Also, my Fitbit came out of the band was "lost" at Ben's house. So all my steps are based on Garmin. I miss my silent alarm function).


  • 93,805 steps
  • 20.9 miles run
  • 3 gym visits and some hiking

Hennepin Hundred (Race Recap)

Sterling, IL Saturday, October 5 100 Mile attempt #22 Weather - HOT, sunny This was a later signup for me. After I didn't finish the 100...