Weight Loss

This page has links to all the posts about my weight loss "game"

Taken at start of Eugene Marathon (April 28, 2013). This is the picture that started it all. WOW, I can't believe how I had let myself go, I mean, I know that my clothes were getting a bit tight, but until I saw this picture I guess you could say I was in denial...

I'm in the blue shirt wearing sunglasses, second from right. Alma, far left, is actually pregnant. I just LOOK pregnant. Womp.
This is what my progress looks like after 100 days:

Fitness Blender Videos:

Tank Top Arms:

10 Minute Abs/Obliques:

10 Minute Butt & Thigh:

Little Black Dress Boot Camp:


Feel Good Stretch:

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Week in Review (July 9 - July 15)

Tuesday  (11,560 steps) - Peloton before going to work in the office. Cross training at lunch.  Wednesday  (17,583 steps) - Headed up to Lou...