Tuesday, June 18, 2013

#NotEatingAllTheThings (Week 7)

Week 1 Recap Here
Week 2 Recap Here
Week 3 Recap Here
Week 4 Recap Here
Week 5 Recap Here
Week 6 Recap Here

Obviously, I was hoping to have another loss on the scale. So close to my initial goal of losing 10 pounds! The food was on track for most of the week, although I pretty much gave myself a free pass on Saturday and Sunday. The downfall this week (again) was some decent beer consumption. It is just so tasty!!

Tuesday - A 2 mile bike ride with A around the neighborhood - SUPER HOT. Also did tank top arms and abs/obliques Fitness Blender videos that Heather sent me. I don't know why she is trying to kill me, I thought we were BFF's :-/
Wednesday - For some reason I got up early and ran on my treadmill again in the basement. 3.33 VERY SLOW miles, but nothing hurt and I didn't die, so that was good. I went to yoga for an hour and learned side crow pose. That was fun.
Thursday - Turbo kickboxing (sub again and she doesn't announce moves very well so that's annoying) and then when I got home I did the tank top arms and abs/obliques videos again. Not quite as hard as the last time.
Friday - Nada. Spent 7 hours in the car driving to Wyoming.
Saturday - Bighorn trail 50k
Sunday - 7 hours in the car driving home. I mowed the lawn. Does that count?
Monday - Was going to try to go to Chaos but was too sore to move so I settled for an Epsom salt bath instead.

I mean, thanks to Bighorn, it looks like I did quite a bit of running. I squeezed in some weight/strength training since I am the weakest human EVER and managed to get an hour of yoga in (which I hadn't done in a few weeks).

Weekly Loss - 0.6 pounds
Loss Since April 30 - 9.8 pounds (oh so close!)

So, again, a small loss, even with all of the beer. It's better than no loss or a gain I guess, but was still hoping to break that 10 pound barrier!

And... so we aren't picture-less this was pre-race dinner from Qdoba

  • Obviously my highest mileage in AGES, and yet it still doesn't seem to impact weight loss. Again, I find this FASCINATING.
  • For the third week in a row, I am "less" hungry. I guess it is NOT a fallacy.
  • This week I may or may not try to make a more "satisfying" breakfast to help get me through lunch.
  • Again, if I cut back on the beer a bit more, I will likely see better results.
  • I guess I will play the game for one more week...


  1. Alternatively, the beer could be what is keeping you from feeling famished.....

  2. Good job. Wish I had the discipline to noteatallthethings. COuld be true about the beer keeping you from feeling hungry. I used to drink it a ton, but now when I have one with a meal I always feel full faster and eat less. Maybe I should give that a try?

  3. Remember you're obliques, arms, etc are adding muscle. So bet you lost 10 lbs of fat already!


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...