Thursday, February 27, 2020

Week in Review (February 18 - February 24)

Tuesday (20,316 steps) - Core class during lunch. Rev Run after work! Kristin picked me and Tyler up at 5:25 and headed to Boulder for another "tempo" run. Once again, we programmed the workout into our watches and the hour run "flew" by. Didn't feel as good as Thursday's run, but I'm feeling pretty productive getting in longer/faster runs mid-week.

Wednesday (11,707 steps) - Upper body class during lunch. Took Pika for a snowy and cold walk.
Had totally forgotten that A had another meeting for her Scandinavia trip, it was a good thing a reminder was sent out. A didn't want me to sit in with her, so I had a very boring few hours sitting in the lobby waiting for her.
Too much sugar for this one...
Thursday (21,071 steps) - Core class during lunch. Another speed work session with Rev Run! After all the snow we had gotten on Wednesday, I was apprehensive that it would be icy, but honestly, the cities do a great job on the bike paths. We had 15 minutes easy, and then three blocks of 8 minutes at marathon pace and 2 minutes at 5K pace. I still have no idea what paces I should be doing, but Kristin and I are definitely the fastest in our group, and we ran negative splits for our "fast" blocks. Our easy pace was a bit slow - mainly because we weren't familiar with the area and had to wait a few times, and then another small sections of the path was snowy/icy. Either way, pleased with how things are going.

Friday (12,894 steps) - Nothing! Left work early to renew my driver's license. Making an appointment at the DMV is the way to go, I was in and out in about 5 minutes! With my new-found freedom I stopped into Under the Sun for a stout.
When I got home I took Pika for a long walk.

Pika and I met Ben at Odyssey when he got off work.
Give me treats, please!
Picked up pizza.
Saturday (35,132 steps) - Rev Run! "Picked up" Tyler and drove to Niwot for a long run. I had my mind set on 16. Kristin planned on 10/1 intervals, and I was happy to join her for the first 7 miles. Her hip wasn't feeling great, so I ended up doing the last 9 miles solo. I had some weird pain in my big right toe, but otherwise, the run felt surprisingly "ok." Longest training run since... summer?

Tyler and I went to Under the Sun for breakfast and a beer.
Ariel had made plans (yet again) to spend the night at a friend's house, so Ben and I took her over around 3. Then we went to a (new to us) brewery before getting Torchy's on the way home.
Sunday (14,214 steps) - No alarm! Took Pika for a long walk.
Lunch at Old Chicago, and then BOGO beers at Denver Beer.
Our least favorite task ever, of the grocery store. Walking Dead premier and the series finale of Criminal Minds. (It's the end of an era).
Monday (16,953 steps) - Lower body class during lunch. Took Pika for a run to the library so I could drop off my ballot.

Made fajitas for dinner and did laundry. Yay routine.

  • 132,287 steps
  • 27.2 miles run
  • 4 gym classes

Friday, February 21, 2020

Week in Review (February 11 - February 17)

Tuesday (15,700 steps) - Core class during lunch. After work I picked up Kristin and we headed to Louisville to do hill repeats with Rev Run! I was not optimistic, as I hadn't done anything speed related in years. Turns out, I was the fastest in our pace group! Messed up the watch a bit since it was confusing, but I managed 3 x 90 seconds around 9:30 pace, then 3 x 70 seconds around 8:30 pace, and my 3 x 45 seconds were around 7 minute pace. Whoop!
Wednesday (13,008 steps) - Upper body class during lunch. It started snowing like crazy around lunch and Ariel and I decided to skip going to Boulder to run. Instead, we took Pika for a (very slick) walk, and A went back to school to volunteer for the evening at family dinner.
Thursday (18,604 steps) - Core class during lunch. Left work early for a dentist appointment. Then, I did something super crazy and opted to skip (all the) run club(s) in favor of going to Boulder with Kristin for a progressive tempo run with Rev Run. I programmed the hour workout into my watch and it was actually a REALLY great run. Very pleased to have not taken a single walk break and hit all my target paces. Woot! (35 min easy, 10 min @ marathon pace, 5 min @ half marathon pace, 5 min @ tempo pace, 5 min easy). I have no idea what my paces "should" be, but i'm programming in "harder" paces for me and seeing how things go.

Friday (10,381 steps) - A very sweet FB post from Ben this morning:
Ariel had her Mathcounts competition that was rescheduled from last week (thanks a lot, Colorado snow). Since Ben had the day off, he went all day to watch her compete. So sweet!

No gym today, left work early to pick up Ben's Valentine's Day present. I wasn't sure what to get him, and wanted to get him something "practical," so I picked up the Black Diamond vest he had been eyeballing.
A was having dinner with friends after her competition, so I met Ben at 4 Noses, and was very surprised when.........

Pika walk and picked up food at Torchy's.
Saturday (36,339 steps) - Long run with Rev Run! First 12 mile training run in a long time, and it wasn't super terrible.

Quick stop at Target and then a beer at Under the Sun. Ben & A worked a cookie booth in the morning. Nap and then we worked another cookie booth. Met up with Kim at Denver Beer for a beer and burgers. Long day!
Sunday (23,733 steps) - Up early for RMRR February race. It was much colder than I thought it would be and the race didn't go great.
Apparently the only pic I'm even "in" - I'm behind that gal in the white long sleeve top
Garmin Distance - 6.93 miles
Garmin Time - 1:13:01
Garmin Pace - 10:32
Mile 1 - 10:12
Mile 2 - 10:39
Mile 3 - 10:01
Mile 4 - 10:38
Mile 5 - 10:55
Mile 6 - 10:51
Mile 7 - 10:29

Of note, splits actually aren't terrible, but I went out too "fast" and walked a TON in the back half. So surprised they were all under 11 minutes, but not surprised that it was so hard after the longest run I've done in a while.

A decided as we were leaving the house that she didn't want to run, so she worked the finish line for the first time - and yes, she wore shorts in this freezing cold weather!!
Race volunteers
Had some snacks and a beer before going to Aspen Grove to get A's phone fixed. Then back home for a walk with Pika. Ben and I dropped off my ring to get resized and then we went to Kokopelli for snacks and drinks. 
A and I had to drop off cookie money and then I took her to a friend's house for a sleepover. We went to 4 Noses for happy hour and then had pizza at home.
Monday (16,129 steps) - Pre-work dog walks are finally around sunrise, so that's nice!
Lower body class during lunch. Ran errands after work, and then meal prepped chimichangas and crock pot lasagna. Ariel and I watched "Cube" while we waited for Ben to get home. He brought home pho for dinner and we watched Criminal Minds.

  • 133,894 steps
  • 28.3 miles run
  • 4 gym classes

Friday, February 14, 2020

Week in Review (February 4 - February 10)

Tuesday (12,258 steps) - Core class during lunch. Milk Market was cancelled for poor conditions (ice and freezing temps) so I stopped at Sprouts on the way home to make stir fry for dinner. Super delicious - haven't made it in a long time. Took Pika for a VERY cold walk after.
We watched a weird movie "Midsommar" - staying up a bit too late.
Wednesday (19,243 steps) - Upper body class during lunch. Runners Roost Boulder! Another run where we started at the trail head. Boulder definitely got more snow than we did in the metro area and most of this "run" was postholing and sliding around on loose powder.

Add in wind and it was not my favorite run. The dogs sure loved it, though.
After, we went to Under the Sun with JT for dinner and so A could sell cookies. We ended up not getting home until nearly 10:00. Ugh. Way too late for during the week.
Thursday (11,576 steps) - Core class during lunch. Took Pika for a quick walk.
Took A to her last track meet of the season. As a fun bonus, this was also the "biggest" track meet of the season and once again A was racing in the second to last event. She didn't run until 9:00. at night! on a school night!

I had been listening to the conversations around me during the earlier events regarding the amount of snow that was falling while we were inside - and when we headed home at 9:15 we discovered it was not exaggerated. I almost got stuck just getting out of my parking space and had to drive the entire way home with my hazards on because I was going so slow. Ugh. Took 45 minutes to get home and it was totally scary and miserable. Thankfully, Ben had picked up pizza for dinner, although I super hate eating after 10 at night.
Friday (15,781 steps) - We had a two-hour delay due to the snow for work. With the delay, I went with Pika and Ben on a walk.
Of course I was super pissed off having to go into work, and the drive in was NOT fun. Work was super lame and not busy at all, which fueled my annoyance at having to go in at all. We at least got an early release, and luckily the drive home wasn't nearly as bad. A and I took Pika for a walk before I took her to a friend's house for a sleep over.
I watched "Brittany Runs a Marathon" and ate left over stir fry for dinner. Once Ben got home we went to 4 Noses for a few beers.
Saturday (27,762 steps) - Rev Run Boulder! I wasn't feeling great most of the run - I probably need to cut out Friday drinking. Womp. Once I was able to use the bathroom mid-run I felt a LOT better. I also couldn't believe how much the trails dried out in just an hour. The last two miles were the fastest for me, it's always nice to have negative splits, even if it IS just a training run.

Ben and I went to lunch at pho (without A, since she wasn't hungry after her sleepover) and then picked up groceries for the week.
Took a nap, then we took Pika for a walk, threw food in the crock pot and headed over to pick up cookies for our first Girl Scout cookie booth of the season. We were scheduled for an unfortunate shift of SEVEN PM TO NINE PM.  Interestingly, LOTS of people apparently go to Walmart at that hour, and we had a very productive booth. Crock pot tacos for dinner and in bed relatively early.
Sunday (12,413 steps) - No alarm! Had potentially planned on running, but with Ben still being sick and it snowing yet again, we opted to skip. Went to Under the Sun for beers and food.
When we got home we took Pika for a walk. Some cleaning, and then then later we had to drop of cookie money. (So sick of cookies already).
Monday (13,732 steps) - Lower body class during lunch. Ran some errands after work and then made spaghetti for dinner and took Pika for a walk.
  • 112,765 steps
  • miles run
  • 4 gym classes

Hennepin Hundred (Race Recap)

Sterling, IL Saturday, October 5 100 Mile attempt #22 Weather - HOT, sunny This was a later signup for me. After I didn't finish the 100...