Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Week in Review (January 16 - January 22)

Tuesday (10,156 steps) - A and I went for a short run in the blistering cold (seriously, 6 degrees). With her heading to Outdoor Lab for the week, we need something for the January strava streak. We dressed appropriately and it wasn't terrible. We also saw two coyotes on our way back home.
Can you spot the coyote?
With A not home I could party like it was 1999. I met a friend for some beers at a new place, Growlers USA. Then I finally tackled Day 1 of The Great Purge of 2018 - finally doing a REAL sweep of my junk and selling/donating.
Wednesday (17,279 steps) - Runners Roost Boulder run club! The group decided to do a "hillier" route for John's last week. What THAT meant was an NCAR double. I almost died. This was a hard one! At least there was one gal that was only a little faster than me so I wasn't alone. After, there was a presentation led by a guy that is doing the Seven Summits, although we mostly heard about his trek up Everest. I filled up on pizza and cupcakes.
More cleaning at home - this was done by shoving everything that was under my bathroom sink into a reusable bag and sorting through stuff while watching Criminal Minds.
Thursday (14,711 steps) - Belmar run club! I arrived early enough that I planned on doing some early miles, and was very pleased to see Dulce and Zach there, so we went out and ran the little loop, then the big loop with the group.
Actually went over to Rocko's for some tacos after. More cleaning! More clothes and shoes. Damn I have a lot of stuff.
Friday (10,405 steps) - Picked up A from Outdoor Lab and just had her come to the office with me since it was so late. Did a loop around Lake Arbor for a our strava streak mile.

Saturday (24,899 steps) - Runners' Edge spring kick off! Weather was pretty fantastic, and I had a great run. We did 10 miles from the Roost in Denver around Wash Park and through some neighborhoods. I love the tile art some people have on their fences!

After we picked up our aid station we met up with Ang at Rupert's at the Edge for brunch. Ironically, Lisa was there with her friend Jen, so that was fun.
Stopped at the store on the way home and then more cleaning/decluttering. Took a break to go to the cheapo movie theater to watch Pitch Perfect 3 (again), then went over to Dulce's for an impromptu family dinner. Fun night!
Sunday (7,316 steps) - Snowpocalypse. Cleaned/decluttered in the morning .The weather was not improving, so we decided to head out for our mile... on snowshoes! That was quite the adventure.

More cleaning/decluttering. Sold quite a few things and completely filled the back of the car with more stuff to donate.
Monday (11,624 steps) - Headed out after work to run at Standley Lake. The 1/2 mile of sidewalk on the way was plowed. Once we got out nearer to the dam the snow had drifted and was decently tough to run in. Overall, it was a good run - we even saw some owls!

  • 96,390 steps
  • 27.6 miles run
  • 1 barre class
Unrelated... has anyone had discrepancies with their step count on their Garmin and what Garmin Connect says? I googled and found some mentions in old forums, but nothing recently. I don't show that my watch (Fenix 3) needs an update right now. Anyway, it's annoying. 

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Week in Review (January 9 - January 15)

Tuesday (15,901 steps) - Barre with Kelly. Speed work with Runners' Edge. I was dreading this workout SO MUCH. 20 minute warm up and then a 5K time trial. I think we all know what my "speed" is like these days. The warm up ended up being fine - we were running at Sloan's Lake so I knew where I was and just jogged. The time trial sucked just as much as I feared. Once again, I had to walk... The first and last mile weren't the worst ever. I wish I could just figure out what the deal with my cramping is.
Home late, but we still cooked dinner.
Wednesday (17,556 steps) - Runners Roost Boulder! Kristen met us for the 7 mile run. A was tired from her speedy 10K PR on Sunday and her speedy 5K time trial, so we actually ran together for once.
We ran the reverse loop and it wasn't as terrible as the last time. It was pretty muddy though. After, we went to Southern Sun for a beer (and got free fries for the table!)
Thursday (10,995 steps) - We went for a short 2 mile run in Broomfield. Hillier than I remembered, but it was a nice night for it.

Then we went to Runners Roost Louisville for yoga (with Monica and Kristen). I haven't done yoga in ages, but I felt really great after. Cooked dinner again.
Friday (12,272 steps) - Barre with Sasha. Grocery store, cooked dinner.
Saturday (21,146 steps) - Up around 7. Made breakfast, then picked up Kristin. Drove to Boulder to meet up with a few RER people for a run since our regular training group was off for the week. Kristin had planned out a lovely 9 mile loop - and the weather was absolutely perfect (if not a little warm), for a run.

Cows all over the place!
We had a few hours at home before heading over to Dulce's (with our pan of roasted cauliflower) for Second Saturday. Great evening of wining and dining with friends!

Sunday (11,341 steps) - SLEPT IN. Most glorious day ever. Headed up to Runners Roost at 10:30. Met up with Dulce and Maureen for a 4.5ish mile run around Boulder before the Leadville lottery announcement party.

After the lottery announcement a group of us went over to the Southern Sun for some snacks and drinks.
Old Chicago's for dinner and terrible Lifetime movies.
Monday (16,265 steps) - I had the day off from work, but we still went into the office for a few hours to volunteer for Project Valentine. A and I each made a few dozen cards.
Barre with Laura at noon (oh how I have missed her classes!)
and THEN we met up with Dulce at Apex. I think we were all a bit surprised by the amount of snow out there, so our run was much more of a hike. It was cold and slick, but we saw a few dozen deer and had a great time.

On the way home we stopped at Whole Foods and then snacked at Dulce's on cheese and hot chocolate. Perfect way to end the weekend!


  • 105,476 steps
  • 33 miles run (hiked, etc)
  • 3 (!!) barre classes AND yoga!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Week in Review (January 2 - January 8)

Tuesday (12,228 steps) - Barre with Kelly.
For some reason, this speaks to me :)
Special run club from the Denver store for the Runners Roost Strava streak challenge kickoff. Since Denver normally runs on Wednesdays the turnout was tiny, and we figured our chances of winning were pretty good. Ran a 5K loop with Susan, Mo, Kristen and A. We did NOT win. Womp.
Wednesday (17,832 steps) - Runners Roost Boulder for THEIR Strava streak kick off.
In the bottom picture with the trail runners
We ran the trail run again, and I was NOT in very last place for the first time ever, and even PR'd some segments. However, I still had the horrifically tight calves and dead legs in the beginning. The trails were pretty icy, but only one fall (not on the ice, toe caught a rock on a descent).
THEN, I won the raffle for a free pair of New Balance shoes! (And I also won a raffle for the normal store giveaways, but declined to accept that one so someone else could win. Maybe I won more free shoes - the brand I wear anyway - because of good mojo I got for giving my free pair of Asics to a random person?)
Thursday (9,661 steps) - Belmar run club! We barely made it there in time because traffic was terrible. Started out running with Samm and Dulce, but after a bit I ended up just walking with Ang because my legs were just not into running.

Victory! 50+ run clubs with Belmar run club!
Friday (10,692 steps) - Barre with Sasha. Quick walk to the lake with A before taking her to a Girl Scout sleepover.

I had big plans of watching Game of Thrones, but the next episode I need to watch is currently not available?? Womp.
Saturday (16,758 steps) - Runner's Edge Aurora! I vaguely remember this route from last year - HILLY! A ran 5 with Alison and I did 7 with the group. It wasn't as hard as I remembered (although I had run 100 miles at ATY last year).
Stuck around at the Aurora Roost for Flippin' Flapjacks for a bit before heading home. Quick stop at the store, otherwise the entire day was spent watching TV.
Sunday (19,724 steps) - My first "race" in 5 weeks. RMRR January Trophy Series 10K. A had big plans to PR (which she did! 55:29!) and I just hoped to not be miserable. I went out a bit too fast the first mile and struggled between miles 2 and 3. Interestingly/sadly, this is the fastest I've run a 10K since May 2015. Oof.

Time - 1:05:59
Distance - 6.23 miles
Pace - 10:35
Mile 1 - 9:46
Mile 2 - 11:03
Mile 3 - 11:45
Mile 4 - 11:00
Mile 5 - 10:18
Mile 6 - 9:50
Mile 6.23 - 9:41

4th place (handicap) for A! I think that is her third ribbon from RMRR!
Headed home for lunch and TV. Around 2:45 I met up with Kristin and Alison for a run in Boulder. Unfortunately it was crazy windy, so we only ran 3 miles.

Picked up A on the way home for dinner at Kristin's house. Planning session for our May vacation (SO EXCITED) and delicious dinner with friends.
Individual creme brulee?? Yes, please!
Monday (9,579 steps) - Brisk walk around Lake Arbor after A's Scout meeting.

  • 96,474 steps
  • 30.8 miles run
  • 2 barre classes

Hennepin Hundred (Race Recap)

Sterling, IL Saturday, October 5 100 Mile attempt #22 Weather - HOT, sunny This was a later signup for me. After I didn't finish the 100...