Tuesday, April 5, 2011

March's Madness

Miles Run - 119.46 (Actually more than I thought I did)
Races Run - 4 (all half marathons)
PR's Set - 0 (but I finished NYC faster than Hugh Jackman :D )
Minutes of Planks - 27

I don't know WHAT happened this month. I started P90X and I felt like it was doing me a TON of good. I mean, I was sore in all the right ways, I felt like I was getting stronger. But then I was SICK most of the month. I had some pretty heinous neck pains, a nasty cold, and suffering from fatigue.

The dilemma here. On one hand I think P90X is great, but I feel I still have to get my runs in on TOP of the program (as well as my races). I think I might be exercising too much and it's taking a toll on me.

I'm not sure if that's why my racing has gotten SO much slower too. I'm consistently getting slower... and slower... and slower...

Overall, this was a pretty BLAH month. April isn't starting out any better. Hoping it ends better.


  1. Well you might feel slower, but I still think you are a powerhouse! I didn't even run half the miles you did that month.... and it wasn't from lack of trying either!

  2. You must keep doing some P90X so you can blame Tony for anything else that goes wrong. I blamed him for my calf injury in February. If I wouldn't have been doing P90X, I would've blamed it solely on running hills.

  3. Yup - sounds like you can be overt-raining? Do you take your morning pulse? If you establish a baseline resting rate right before you get out of bed, you can check yourself. Your pulse will raise when you are over-training or getting sick, so it's a nice indicator.


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...