Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Changing it up

After a crazy insane double half marathon weekend, I felt a bit broken by the time I got back home.

Not feeling up to running just yet, and I was PSYCHED to have a transition week in P90X. First day back... YOGA!! Felt sooo good to stretch out. Then I got to try a workout I haven't done yet, the "Core Synergistics" - that one was pretty tough but I liked it. And then today was the Kenpo X. Sorta like boxing. Only very little direction/demonstration and fast moving so I'm all over the place. Never realized how off balance and CLUMSY I was... hehehe. But nice to have a break.

I did a little math and discovered that in just under 8 weeks I'll be doing the Great Wall of China Marathon. I emphasize marathon because when we signed up early last summer we were planning on just doing the half. After all this time and how much we have already accomplished... why settle for the half? We are going all the way to China, we might as well go ALL THE WAY. So. The Stairmaster training commences. In 30 minutes I accomplished 130 floors climbed. And felt like I was having a minor heart attack while doing it. At least China is more scenic than the boring gym :D

Here is a YouTube video about the race:

Race Pics
I finally have some that aren't too ridiculous. So here they are... I'm digging my new race hat and after all these races I of course still LOVE my knee socks and skirts.

NYC Half Marathon
National Half Marathon
Another double header scheduled this weekend! My calf and foot are feeling much better after icing and sticking. I'll run a few miles today, but that's the only run I have scheduled for the week.


  1. That National picture is super cute!

  2. O M G. A FULL marathon? You go girl!

  3. Crazy runner girl! How cool is it that you are doing the Great Wall of China Marathon???

  4. CHINA???? RADICAL!!! That's going to be so cool to read about. Please don't push it - I can't handle you having transportation issues in China. I'm gonna need you to give yourself some breathing room.

    And then if they don't have an Applebee's .... what are you going to have for your pre-race dinner??

  5. So exciting that you 'upgraded' yourself to the full! :) Fun!!! And love the pic from National: you look cute! :)

  6. Love the blue skirt you wore to the national race!!

    Great Wall of China Marathon-Go with your bad self. That is going to be great to hear about and see the pictures.


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...