Friday, March 18, 2011

Foto Friday

I doubt this is all P90X... but I'm sure it is helping. Two weeks on the program.

Photo #1

Photo #2

I'm NOT sucking in, and the jeans ARE buttoned. :D

Also, I am the same weight I have been for months, still hovering between 114 & 115. So no weight loss, just toning.

I haven't ever been one to keep track of "inches" and "measurements"though.

Gotta say... I feel great though!

Happy Friday!!


  1. i just showed this to all my co-workers sitting around me- AMAZING results for just a short period of time. I have it at my place back in ohio, so you're making me anxious to try it when I get my hands on it. Great work :)

  2. awesome!! i need to do more of my p90x!

  3. Good job! I haven't lost any weight either, but know I am more toned from P90X. My husband started eating the P90X way for his second cycle, and that's when his weight started coming off.

  4. Holy crap!!! That's no joke! :D

  5. Nice!! You are already so tiny as it is. Maybe I should suck it up and give this a try!

  6. Awesome job!! Hope you're as excited for the NYC Half this weekend as I am! :)

  7. Great job and I would also add that you running halfs all the time and some times 2 times per weekend helps too. Congrats again this means you can have more beer. =)

  8. I have not tried it
    maybe I should!!
    I need toning not weight loss though

  9. awesome!! :) I got p90x and cant wait to tone up! :)

  10. Holy cow -- that's inspiring! Great job!

  11. Now I definitely want to try P90X!


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

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