Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Week in Review (May 28 - June 3)

Tuesday (15,957 steps) - Peloton before work. Did strength training at lunch. Did some driving and Ben and I took Olive for a walk.
Wednesday (26,312 steps) - Work in the office. After work I headed up to meet Ben in Louisville for a tempo workout. It was really hot and the run was truly one of the worst ones I've had in a LONG time.
BUT - I really like my new donut button up, so there's that. 
We stuck around for a beer and to talk to Donnie a bit before heading home. 
Thursday (20,619 steps) - Work from home. It was supposed to be hot, so we went for our run early. Figured I should break in my new shoes before race day and I had to stop a few times to adjust the laces until the felt "right."

Took Olive for a walk and saw another owl! Took Olive for a walk earlier than usual because it looked like it was going to storm. We ended up having some pretty crazy storms - although luckily we just got a light show and the hail missed our area. 
Friday (21,436 steps) - Wash Park and Stella's. Work in the office. Around lunch, I got the email that I'm back on the Rabbit team! I took last year off for financial reasons, but I've missed the RAD community, and happy to return!
We planned on camping again after I got off work. I had a very busy and stressful afternoon, but managed to get out a bit early. Home long enough to throw clothes in a bag and then we headed out. We stopped in Conifer at King Soopers to get some groceries before arriving at the Buffalo Springs campground. It was really nice to get there before dark! Ben even set up the hammock this time.
It was fun to have Terri join us (just for the first night). We made burgers and drank beer until late (like midnight!)
Saturday (22,104 steps) - We decided to head into Fairplay and try to do something near Silverheels since Terri had to head home right after. We had found a trail head on the map and figured we could just "wing" it. 
It started UP right away. There were some snow fields that Olive really enjoyed.

The trail was completely empty. We didn't see anyone for over an hour.

The trail looped around to a dirt road and on the other side was a very nice, new, bridge that took us to a different area. 

At some point, we decided to let Olive attempt some off-leash running. She actually did REALLY well. Probably won't ever be able to do this when the trails are crowded, but she stayed in sight and actually ran faster without the leash. Yay!
Gaia was a bit unclear if there was going to be another loop that we could do, and we finally saw some bikers and asked if the trail looped back. They said it didn't, so we decided to go to the next junction before turning around.
We managed to hit some weather (and none of us were really prepared for it, lessons to be learned here!) but at least only the temperature dropped and we didn't get completely poured on.
The road we had initially crossed took us back to the parking lot of the trail head, so not a TON of repetition and we all had fun. We had a beer in the parking lot before Terri had to go home. Ben and I went back to the campsite and had lunch. We decided that we would drive into Buena Vista and go for a walk along the river. 

We figured we could have ONE beer at Eddyline, even though we aren't really crazy about their beer. Back to the campsite for relaxation - I stayed in the hammock and read my book.
Burgers for dinner again and not up nearly as late. 
Sunday (20,019 steps) - We had plans to do an "hour" of activity before heading back home. I had found a different trail head outside Fairply, and same type of thing - a choose your own adventure. Another deserted parking lot, and we headed up, allowing Olive to be off-leash right from the start. The route was UP for the first mile.
Had a bit of a runnable section before dropping down to a junction. I found a small loop we could do and that's when we actually saw our only people of the day.
Olive stayed the course, even with people and a dog, which was great!
Found ONE patch of snow that she loved rolling in.
Headed back to the truck, arriving in exactly an hour! We still had to drive back to the campsite and load everything up before noon, which was a bit stressful, but we did it!
We actually didn't hit ANY real traffic on the way home, and we stopped at Parry's for one beer.
Took a bit of time to unpack and then after a shower I went out and did a few deliveries. When it got slow, I headed home. Ben and I took Olive for another walk, and we actually saw a baby duck in the canal!
It was a really pretty night and much warmer (obviously) than it had been in the mountains.

Monday (21,773 steps) - Work from home. Ben had an interview again, so I went for my run alone. It didn't FEEL that hard, but Garmin gave me a -3 and looking at the stats later, my heart rate WAS higher than normal. Plus, it was hot.
Took Olive for a walk after I got back. Did some work, mostly the attorney I'm apparently covering for while Celeste is in Spain. Ben and I went to Costco for lunch and to pick up dinner. Did some packing and after work I did some driving and picked up my King Soopers order. 

  • 148,220 steps
  • 25.1 miles run
  • 26.32 miles walked
  • 40 minutes of cardio
  • 30 minutes of strength

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...