Tuesday, August 2, 2011

RLRF (MP, WK 8, KR1)

Son of a...

Wow, this program is no joke. And you might be wondering why I hopped in at week 8 in the middle of an 18 week long program. Well, as much as I race, it never will really  make sense to start at the "beginning," and since it is only EIGHT weeks until my 50 mile race, I figured I'd just start there.

So, the run of the day is listed like this:

10-20 min warmup
1 mile (400m RI) - goal 9:01
2 miles (800m RI) - goal?? 9:30?
2 x 800m (400m RI) - goal 4:22
10 min cooldown

I obviously have no idea what I'm doing, but I had written down a cheat sheet based on a sort of "average" of my crappy HM results of late to determine my 5K time of approximately 28:50. So with THAT information, here is how I deciphered the above:

Since I've never done any sort of training program, I did actually bring this piece of paper with me. I guess it helped. The one problem that I had was determining what my two mile pace should be. The RLRF book stops at 2000 meters. I guesstimated that I should try a 20 second or so slower pace than the mile pace, but man. I almost collapsed on the treadmill. (I know, I know, I should be doing this on a track).

Anyway. The entire workout was pretty manageable, with the exception of that 2 mile stretch where I wanted to die.

10-20 minute warmup - good
1 mile - 9:01 goal, 9:03 actual
2 miles - goal unknown, would have liked 18:44, actual was 19:24 (with stops)
2 x 800s - goal 4:22, 4:23 actual

Goals pretty much met, but that 2 mile nonsense? Killer.

As an aside. I wore the above skirt to the gym. I probably have only worn it one or two other times. It rode up the entire workout. NEVER had another skirt do that. Anyone else have that problem? It was super annoying and distracting. It got a BIT better when I put my phone in my pocket for some added weight.


  1. I just did that same RLRF workout and changed the 2 mile into (2) 1 miles. This one is tough!

    I'm starting to wonder if the the 2 mile pace is supposed to be the STP pace from the tempo workouts. All I know is, I can't sustain the 1600m pace for 3200 meters. Nice job.

  2. This whole RLRF stuff confuses me!! I mean I just figured out the basic stuff of 400X2, etc.... but this is way over my head!

    So far I haven't had issues with the skirt, but I find they work best on me when I'm wearing my iFitness belt. They seem to stay right where I want them then.

  3. I have the same problem with the skirts from the last line of RS. Have triend sizing up, but then the waist just drops. :(


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