Thursday, August 18, 2011

TEN Things Thursday

1. I'm a Maniac!! #4202

2. Awesome race pictures from last weekend (and orange IS the skirt I've raced in the most):

3. Another Munchkin Mile (much hotter today and more walk breaks):

4. Another trip to the water park, but probably the last time of the season:

5. A trip to the park:

6. Gymnastics class:

7. Interview outfit! (Although apparently hiding the tat is mandatory so I'll be wearing a cardigan over it):

8. Interview is tomorrow morning. I'm taking it as a good sign that this is an IN PERSON interview. Most companies now do those annoying phone interviews that I completely SUCK at.

9. Awesome race shirt Thursday. This is from the Bolder Boulder 10K, 2009:

I swear my front kick is more awesome when I'm not "re-enacting"
10. Don't forget to check my link in the top left hand corner of my blog for Razzy Roo. Enjoy either 10% off an entire order using the promo code listed, OR, use code GLITTER40, for a FREE glitter band when you spend $40. Have I mentioned how much I love Razzy Roo?? Be sure to check out all the new socks she has listed!!


  1. Good luck with your interview!!!

  2. 1. I already knew you were a maniac. ;) Hehehe! Just kidding! Congrats on joing the MMs! :)

    2. Great pics! :)

    So glad to hear that things are (for bleaping sake...the bad luck you've had!) finally looking up! Good luck on that interview! Outfit rocks! :)

  3. Good luck on your interview! I hate phone interviews too. I think they are STUPID

  4. I guess we shouldn't be surprised that you made it to maniac status with your marathons!

    I thought of you when I got my tour of the YMCA the other night. I saw a sign in the cardio room that said, "no pictures". Then I wondered how I would be cool like you and pull it off for the blog!

    Best of luck with the interview!

  5. yay for official MM status- now you just need the shirt :)

    good luck on the interview!

  6. Hi- just wanted to let you know I am a big fan of your blog (randomly found it when looking for reviews of the shun the sun half marathon in Mesa, AZ) and you have inspired me to:
    a) get off my butt and get moving again
    b) have a somewhat insane goal of running 30 halves by the time I turn 30 (currently 28 and counting) and
    c) start my own blog (never done any sort of blogging before) to document my adventure- mostly for myself but if I inspire someone the way you inspired me I call that a good day.
    So thank you for being awesome and sharing your story!

  7. I'm saving the change I find in the washer...damn RunningSkirts shouldn't be so spendy! WANT ORANGE with white dots.
    Good luck on the interview!

  8. Thanks everyone!

    Also, I don't know if "Jen Allen" will see this comment, but you asked how I carry my iPhone. Normally I wear it in my race/fuel belt. In a few races, I keep it in the pocket of my running skirt. But I would only advise doing this if you wear the "running" style vs. the "athletic" style. The athletic style always slides down when I carry additional weight in my pockets.

    Interview went well!


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...