Friday, August 19, 2011

Fabulous Friday!

Here is the final outfit. A took my pic before I dropped her off at the sitter while I had my interview:

I think that it went pretty well. It is for a small company, doing bookkeeping, and it is SUPER CLOSE. Like 20 blocks away. They expect to have made a decision by next Friday. **Crossing my fingers!**

In the afternoon A and I went to a pottery painting place to spend a gift card she got for her birthday:

She picked the paint colors and did 99.9% of it herself! It won't be ready for us to pick up for another week though.

After that we had a Meet N' Greet at A's school to meet her teacher. She seems super nice. And A is beyond excited to be going back. Looking at the class roster at least 2 of her buddies from preschool will be in her class.

On the agenda for tomorrow? Babysitting H and taking her to gymnastics. Then driving 2 hours to Vail to pick up me and L's packets for the Diva Half Marathon on Sunday.

Also - quick comment to fellow blogger "Jen Allen" - you asked how I carry my iPhone when I run. I normally wear it in my race/fuel belt. I have, however, worn it in one of the pockets of my running skirts. I would ONLY advise doing that if you wear the "brief" style vs. the "athletic" style. I find that my athletic style skirts slide down when there is additional weight in the pockets.

PS, don't forget to check out the link at the top of the blog for Razzy Roo! 10% off total purchase or us GLITTER40 for a **free** glitter band with $40 purchase (any items - socks and tutus included!)


  1. I like the outfit, very professional and great colors on you. Good luck!
    PS - don't think I've ever seen you in anything but a running skirt lol!

  2. 1. Love the outfit- because you have that clean backdrop, it reminds me of a clothing ad (in a good way)
    2. Good luck for the Divas 1/2- really wanted to do that one, but alas flights weren't cheap.
    3. Glad to know I'm not the only one w/ technical difficulties with the athletic style- i seriously was pulling up my skirt during a race every 2 minutes!

  3. You look fantastic, fingers crossed!

    The athletic skirt slides down on me, with or without stuff in the pockets. I even went down a size. Then, after a mile (and a bit of sweat) it all starts to stay in place. Weird.

  4. Smart + Stylish + Marathon Legs = You've got the job! Good luck. Thanks for the tip on the iPhone. I ended up grabbing a Nathan belt ($20) from Dick's and it worked great and didn't slip around. Cannot wait to hear about the Diva's Half Marathon and your outfit, etc...

  5. You look so fancy - I love it!!

    I always have my skirts slide down, too - so even if I don't have anything in it I will sometimes run with my ifitness belt on just to hold it right where I want it!


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...