Monday, August 15, 2011


I have been out of commission for the last two days. I have barely been able to walk because my legs are SO INSANELY SORE from my race on Saturday. I'm relieved that Facebook now does this "On this day last year" status flashback, because apparently I was super sore last year too.

Anyway, I still had a run to do today, and I wasn't really too pleased that it was speed work. I stretched and off I went...

So, I have been taking the time to write down EXACTLY what I need to do for each run. Unfortunately, I left my list at home, so I had to guess. Luckily, I remembered that this ONE race decided to be in kilometers instead of miles. Why, RLRF, why? Anyway:

20 min warm up - goal 10:45-11:09, actual 10:59
1K - goal 5:24, actual 5:28
400 RI - goal 11:09, actual 11:11
2K - goal 11:20, actual 11:21
400 RI - goal 11:09, actual 11:11
1K - goal 5:24, actual 5:28
400 RI - goal 11:09, actual 11:11
1K - goal 5:24, actual 5:27
400 RI - goal 11:09, actual 11:11
10 min cool down - goal 10:45-11:09, actual 10:31

Considering how my legs felt, I am super pleased with how this went. Next time I will remember my list and get the splits a bit closer to goal pace.


  1. Woohoo! You should be super pleased with that! Way to go! Hope the legs are better today!

  2. That skirt -- it is now the only color I don't have in that print!

    Wow - this RLRF stuff is kind of confusing. I would have to write that down for sure, but then have someone explain it all to me first!


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...