Monday, August 22, 2011

Oh Happy Day!

First, if you don't know this about me already, I'm a total dork. I absolutely LOVE going to school. Everything about it, from the school supply shopping to taking notes, to listening to lectures, to reading assignments to term papers. I know. I'm a total freak. Although I don't enjoy exams, so maybe I can redeem some of my weirdness? Anyway, since it's been... oh, over 10 years since I was last in school, I think I was EXTRA excited to be going back today.

Did I mention I was SO excited that I got to school 30 minutes early? Oops. Well, that gave me time to wait in a crazy long line to buy my last textbook (the only one that WASN'T substantially cheaper on Amazon).

Other than being the "old lady" of the school, my first day was magical. I'm so happy to be back.

It was also, of course, A's first day of school. She has been talking about it non-stop. Probably even longer than I've been talking about it. She was PSYCHED to have her own alarm set, and even MORE excited that she gets to eat breakfast at SCHOOL.

I picked her up from her FULL day of Kindergarten to find out it was (if there was ANY doubt) AWESOME. I asked her what she learned, and instead of getting the canned "nothing" response, she said, "I learned to listen, be responsible, be respectful, and be nice to everyone." Anyone else think that most adults could stand going back to school to learn this?

Next on the agenda was of course a run. Yeah, I know I just ran a crazy hard half marathon yesterday, but I still have a schedule to keep!


Goal: 10-20 min warmup @ 11:09, Actual: 20 min @ 10:55
Goal: 3 x 1600 (400 RI) @ 9:01 & 2:47, Actual: 8:59, 8:59, 8:54 & 2:45, 2:45, 2:45
Goal: 10 min cooldown @ 11:09, Actual: 15 min @ 10:47
Total - 6.97 in 1:10:07

What did I learn from this run? 1600s are freaking ridiculously hard. That pace shouldn't be so impossible, but I swear it's 70 degrees warmer than I can comfortably run in. I hope it gets easier when it cools down a bit. I don't especially like to feel like I'm dying.

As an upside, this wasn't any more terrible than I thought it was going to be, even after my race yesterday. So this tells me I'm way more awesome than I think sometimes. It also tells me that these 10:40ish paces that I was struggling with last month are EASY after 9 minute miles. Phew.


  1. So cool that you're back in school! :)

    Crazy pace on those 1600's! :) Do you feel those are better trainingwise thatn 800's?

  2. Congrats on going back to school! That is so exciting. Way to keep at your running schedule even after a hard race. In my mind I would have rationalized a day off:). Thanks for following my blog! I was so excited to have a non-married to me follower.

  3. i've been debating on going back to school and you're REALLY making me want to go back!
    Glad you BOTH had a great first day. Congrats on getting faster!!!!

  4. Since we already know you're my female running hero, it makes me feel so happy to see that it is too hot for you, too! I just keep thinking that if I keep working hard in the heat, and then keep up the same determination in the fall, maybe I'll miraculously improve overall. I mean I like to run at 45º to 55º. 70's 80's 90's??? Ridiculously hot!!

    Glad you liked school - and A, too! I guess I can ask her all about it NEXT WEEK!!

  5. Great runs!!! Yes, you are a freak for loving school that much. We don't need no education.

  6. yay for school! wish i had that passion for it :) and impressed with the RLRF right after a 1/2. i find it really hard to push as hard as i normally would…then again, you have many more 1/2s under your belt than i do. :)

  7. I miss back to school shopping, does that count? I do like aspects of school, but not the reading or homework ones! Congrats on getting the run done and yay for running Disney! Jealous!


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