Wednesday, August 31, 2011

August of Awesome (Rewind)

Miles Run - 151.04. My highest mileage month of the year!! (By quite a bit, and significantly higher than the last few months). Thanks to RLRF, my training seems to have improved. Not seeing an improvement in race times, but during my 3 "quality" runs during the week I can run longer without it sucking. Excited about that!
Races Run - 2 (2 half marathons)
PR's Set - Big. Fat. Zero. I had hoped to at least beat my time at GTIS over last year (only HM I've run twice). Fail. And Diva's was RIDICULOUSLY hard. :(
Minutes of Plank - 93. Yep, you read that right. 93 minutes. I didn't miss a single day of planks and I'm now up to 3 minutes a set. Unsure if next month I'll bump up to 4 minutes a set. Thoughts?

As much as I enjoy summer, I'm looking forward to some cooler temperatures. I really struggle in this heat! I'm super SUPER excited for my Disney weekend! And... my crazy 50 mile race is less than a MONTH away. Freakin!!

Outside of running...

To summarize (or if you are new to my blog), I went back to school and so far it is AWESOME. I love it. I'm taking 9 credit hours (6 in Criminal Justice and 3 in Sociology). The goal is another BA (in Criminal Justice). It should hopefully take just 2-2.5 years since I already have a BA and don't need to take any "fluff" classes.

A is loving Kindergarten and learned to ride her bike without training wheels!


  1. Holy S!!! 151.04 miles??? Holy cow. That would take me AT LEAST 3 months to do. AWESOME!!!

    DISNEY!!!!!!!!!!!! ºoº

  2. So impressed with the three minute sets of planking, and great job on all the miles run!!

  3. Nice month. Good luck at Disney! Can't wait for your pictures.

  4. Glad you are liking your classes. So impressed by your planking!

  5. Great job! Good luck in school! You planks are incredible - I will now try to push passed my lowly minute plank! Thanks for the inspiration!


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