Wednesday, August 17, 2011

RLRF (MP, WK 6, KR2)

I didn't plan such a busy day today, so there was some boredom. Some bike riding in the morning, lunch, scrapbooking for a bit in the afternoon. But the mail came, and in it was my newest running skirt. Yay for being on clearance!!!

And then I whipped out some of my fancy shoes since I HAVE A JOB INTERVIEW ON FRIDAY!!! My calf muscles look pretty amazing, wouldn't you say?

And then A headed off to dance class. I was going to sign her up for ballet, but I waited too long and it was full by the time I tried to register her. Instead, she is taking something called "Poppin' Rockstar" and she learns basic jazz, hip-hop, lyrical and "free form." She had a blast.

After class we headed to the gym, where I had a run to get in. I started the run dressed like this:

And halfway through the run I ripped off my shirt because I was so hot. Like the second time EVER I have done that. Look at how sweaty I am :(

Anyway. RLRF (MP, WK6, KR2)

6 mile run:
1 mile easy - goal 11:09, actual 10:58
5 miles @ mid-tempo pace - goal 9:49, actual 9:46
*1 mile easy - goal 11:09, actual 10:34
Total - 7 miles in 70:34

The run didn't call for a "cool down," but I felt like I needed it, so I threw another mile in. **Knock on wood, the RLRF program seems TOTALLY AWESOME**

Also, don't forget to check my link in the top left hand corner of my blog for Razzy Roo. Enjoy either 10% off an entire order using the promo code listed, OR, use code GLITTER40, for a FREE glitter band when you spend $40. Have I mentioned how much I love Razzy Roo?? Be sure to check out all the new socks she has listed!!


  1. Okay...that's seriously sweaty. Glad I'm not the only girl out there that sweats like a man. ;)

  2. Good luck with the job interview!

  3. I'm so jealous of the sweat!

    Okay - and your legs, with those super cute shoes ... how could you not get hired? For the record, I hate shoes unless I am running in them, but those are actually really adorable! Excellent choice!

  4. Ripped girl! Looking hot indeed. I never take the top layer off for fear of the mama belly spilling over the top of the skirt. No one wants to see that. Hey, I'm wanting to carry my iphone to document the pikes peak ascent on Saturday. Just wondering... how do you carry yours? Good luck in the interview!

  5. Best wishes at your interview ... wow, all those half marathons is rippin' your legs!


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...