Tuesday, May 28, 2013

#NotEatingAllTheThings (Week 4)

Week 1 Recap Here
Week 2 Recap Here
Week 3 Recap Here

After a minor gain last week, I was hoping to have a "better" week. I am still mostly on a running hiatus, but this is what I managed to eek out last week:

Tuesday - Bike Ride with A. This measured 1.59 miles and took us about 16 minutes. We are a bit too far from the bike path and I'm not a huge fan of riding around our neighborhood because there are a LOT of intersections. Good times, I need to get an inexpensive bike rack so we can ride longer.
Wednesday - Run Club. I know, I said I was on a running hiatus. However, I'm glad I went. My friend that ran with me last year (I was the slowest then too) was there and ran with me again. And I got a free pair of SmartWool socks just for trying them on the run (and I loved them!) 3.8ish miles at a 11:16 pace (no pain, but felt HARD)
Thursday - Turbo Kickboxing. Still can't remember all the moves, but it wasn't as bad as last week.
Friday - Nothing
Saturday - 3 different hikes in Arches and Canyonlands National Parks, totaling just over 7 miles. Also a 2.3ish mile run which was pretty awful. Tight legs, tired, over 90*.
Sunday - 5.3 mile hike outside Moab with A. Loved this one, lots of varied terrain and a total of EIGHTEEN river crossings. A handled those like a pro!
Monday - 6.66 mile run on the trail by my house. First half wasn't great with GI issues, but after I used the bathroom things turned around. Last 1.66 hovered around a 10 min pace WITH walking. It was about 80 degrees but the cloud cover really helped. I only took about 12 oz. of water with me and finished it about 4 miles in.

Sooooo... with that in mind, how did the week of eating go? Well, as usual, things went fine during the week. Even Friday, with the drive to Moab, I managed to eat well. Dinner was a salad, THAT WAS TOO BIG FOR ME TO FINISH. What.

I didn't eat GREAT while we were in Moab, but I didn't eat a TON, except for the night that we went to the pizza buffet... I might have overdone it a bit. And I had a beer at every meal.

Total Gain/Loss - 0 pounds.

So I didn't lose OR gain. I guess that is better than a gain? Apparently I need to not eat burgers and fries and pizza and drink ALL the beer if I want to see a real loss? Anyway, for 3-4 days of being on the road, I'll take it.

  • I have decided porters and stouts are my FAVORITE beers in the world.
  • I was doing fine splitting my entrees with A. Normally, I eat ALL my food. Maybe just because it is there?
Also - in the next day or so I will do a full recap of my weekend with A in Moab.

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