Thursday, May 23, 2013

Three Things Thursday (Change)

1. I imagine I will be on this running hiatus thing for a while longer. My heart does not "ache" for running and I can't say that I miss it. Yet? I guess I hope I WILL miss this. Otherwise....

With that said, I did actually go to run club last night. There were tons of vendors there and since I'm not running this weekend I figured I probably SHOULD get some cardio in. Lucky for me, the one girl willing to run snail's pace was there and we ran together. Just under 4 miles at a slowish (yet felt hard by the end) pace for me. No pain. I didn't love it, and I didn't hate it, so I guess there's that. Plus, there was BEER.

SmartWool was one of the vendors and I got a free pair of socks, as long as I wore them for the group run. I did actually LOVE them and now that I know they are probably worth the cost, I will be buying more (if I keep running).

One of the selling points? You can wear 3-4 times before having to wash and they won't smell? I won't be partaking in THAT experiment
2. Yet ANOTHER person is leaving my law firm. She is the veteran of the support staff, having been here five years. We have lost 5 employees since I started last April. A pretty large number of people considering there are currently only 17 employees (16 after she leaves) and another that is going on maternity leave soon.

I wonder how long it will be before the firm starts taking a close look at WHY people are leaving. Part of it may be that my review is now 6 (or 7) weeks overdue and I'm making less money than when I started...

3. I haven't been vocal about it on any of the social media or the blog. J and I are history... We were together about 4 years, lived together about 2. The last year has really been a struggle for us and we just could not seem to find a way to work things out. It's been awkward because he is still living at my house (in the spare room). He is officially (finally) packing up his things and is starting the move out process.

A is taking it well for now, but I feel like the biggest jerk for having this whole situation even happen. I mean, her dad moved out of state and she hardly hears from him and now the guy that has been there the last 4 years is going to. Granted, he isn't going out of state, but I certainly can't imagine she'll see him again.

Anyway. That's what's been going on with me lately.


  1. I'm really sorry to hear about you and A, and I'm with you on not testing the socks.

  2. I'm sorry you and A are going through a hard time right now. :( Parenting never seems to get any easier.

    I hope that the socks do last for that long without washing. That will be an interesting (and possibly stinky) experiment.

  3. Alma got me hooked on Smart Wool. Lucky you to get a pair for free. Those suckers are expensive.

  4. Smart Wool socks are my favorite! I am sorry to hear about you and A. Sending a hug!

  5. you deserve a running break, enjoy it!

    i was wondering about you and J, hopefully A will transition well after her leaves

  6. I think it all makes sense now...there's too much happening in your life and work, outside of running. Anyway, I really do hope you and A adjust well.

  7. I'm one of your more recent followers. I love your goal of doing 50 halfs in 50 States. I nominated you for a Liebster Award. There is more info about on my blog. Go get 'em girl!

  8. I am a big fan of the smart wool socks. Best ever.

  9. looks like we both made it blog official now. hope you are doing okay...and i'm guessing he's all moved out now? ANd guessing you and A have talked about it? What does she think?

  10. I'm very sorry to hear about J. I can understand you are feeling guilty. My mother stayed with my dad only for that reason (they finally divorced when I was 20). It was difficult for me to see them fighting all the time and my only wish was a happy family. I believe if they separated earlier it would have been better. Yes, she will be sad of course, but try to be open about it and she will understand.


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

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