Monday, May 13, 2013

Westminster Women's Classic Ten Miler (Race Recap)

Mother's Day
Sunday, May 12
Weather - Sunny and HOT (ok, 60ish, but FELT hot)

I was hoping to "run" the entire Women's Classic. I was hoping to repeat the half marathon I did on New Year's Day. Slow but not walking anything but the water stations.

I'll save you reading the recap to find out. I WALKED A HUNDRED BILLION TIMES.

I registered... I don't know why. It wasn't that much money and there was a kid's race before ours. The kids had a great time:
Sorry for the poor quality of the top left picture, I took that as a still from a video I took of the race. A ended up about 6th kid overall. Both kids finished with smiles on their faces!

The 10 mile race didn't start until 8:30 and it was already getting really warm. We had hoped to cycle through the bathroom line again, but there were way too many people in front of us (there was also a 10k and 5k that started after us). Five port-o-potties was probably not enough, especially for an all-women's event!

I started in the back. The course was on the Big Dry Creek Trail, the same trail where we ran the Redline at Westminster last month. I have run this a billion times, so didn't take any pictures, except for the flooded underpass we had to run through. Well, you were SUPPOSED to run through, but about half of the women turned around when they saw the water and ran up the embankment and across the street. CHEATER CHEATER PUMPKIN EATERS.

Anyway, I have NEVER seen the trail flooded like this:

Once you started moving, the water easily sloshed over your knees. What. I didn't mind, it was like an ultra experience in a 10 miler. River crossing? CHECK. Plus, it was already feeling really warm.

I forgot, like is typical of me, that there is ZERO shade on this course. FOR REAL, ZERO SHADE. It is mostly paved bike path, but there are some small areas of dirt and gravel. I know the temperature was in the low to mid 60's by the time I was done, but it felt MUCH MUCH hotter.

Anyway, I walked. A lot. My legs were crampy. Achy. Tired. I was NOT having a good time. I just didn't want to come in last. I ran a little, but probably never more than 3-4 minutes at a time

The course does a 180 at the end, A ran down the hill so she could run me in. Other than the river crossing, this was the only good part of the run.

At least ONE of us looks happy

L, Hope and Me (LOVE this picture!!)
Time - 1:57:58
Place - 119/143
Mile 1 - 10:50
Mile 2 - 11:58
Mile 3 - 11:04
Mile 4 - 12:02
Mile 5 - 11:18
Mile 6 - 12:15
Mile 7 - 12:02
Mile 8 - 11:52
Mile 9 - 11:03
Mile 10 - 10:27
Mile 10.24 - 11:11

I *guess* considering I walked a BILLION times, my splits aren't that terrible. While I obviously DO NOT love being slow, what I like even less is all of a sudden feeling like I CAN'T. I did not run one consecutive mile without walking. I am not even sure I ran an entire HALF mile without walking.

Thoughts about the race:
  • There were 6 aid stations for the 10 mile. That barely felt like enough. I was so hot and thirsty and with no shade it was like running through the desert. They had FRS instead of Gatorade, which was actually pretty decent.
  • There was "food" at the end. All pastry type stuff. Didn't really feel like junk food, so I didn't have anything. The kids really enjoyed it.
  • Could have started at least an hour earlier, although spring in Colorado is so sketchy, you really never know what the weather is going to do. REALLY hot when I was done!
  • Cute medal!
Running Thoughts:
  • At the risk of being whiny, I am SO SICK AND TIRED OF RUNNING. Nothing about running on the treadmill or road feels good. Just about every step I have taken has been exhausting and painful. I don't think I'm actually injured. If you want to call it over-training or burnout, then do. I don't think it is "over-training" - I run 3-4 days a week, as I have for YEARS.
  • Even though the doctor's seems to think there is nothing physically wrong, I disagree. I am always tired. Even after a few days of NOTHING, I don't ever feel energized or "fresh." When I get done with a workout, I have an overwhelming sense of THANK GOD THAT IS DONE. I hate feeling this way. Running is supposed to be fun. I'm not saying it is supposed to be easy, but when it becomes the worst part of my day and every day seems harder than the day before, then it is time to take a break.
  • I have no plans on any DNF's right now. This weekend is my birthday and I have back to back half marathons. I do not plan to run between now and then. And after this weekend I just might taken another week off. 
  • I do not plan on registering for anything else right now. Which means I feel like a total jerk for bailing on the other B and our Colorado race. Luckily, I've talked to her already and she is really understanding and we will do something else while she is here and I will try to spectate her race up in Steamboat.
  • I hate hate hate being so negative. But I also feel that this blog (even if no one but me really reads it) needs to be honest. So, here it is. I'm being honest. I hate running right now.
  • Suggestions for cardio appreciated. I'm pretty limited on what I can do since I need the daycare at the gym. Or should I skip cardio and concentrate on something else? Strength?
Anyway, overall, I had a pretty good Mother's Day.


  1. I would not have gone through the water either.
    #wimp #hatesquishyshoes

    I hope you figure this running thing out. I hope you can find a way to make it fun again.

  2. love 'L' s shirt; do you know where it is from?
    hmm i 'm not sure if i'd go through the water either; i've never done a trail race...yet.

  3. HI! New reader! I am totally at awe reading all your amazing race reviews. I am also a half lover and wish I had the stamina to do all the races you do! You rock! I feel your pain and frustration about lack of motivation. I get so excited for the fall because there are so many fun races in my area and of course I sign up for a lot of them. By the end of the season- I am toast. No desire to do any running. Sounds like where you might be now too. Please give your body and mind a rest. I think it's telling you something if you are dreading your runs. Believe me - I KNOW it is hard to take some time away but I think your body and mind will thank you for it in the long run. (no pun intended;)). You are an amazing runner! Time off is a good thing. you will find it once again.

  4. When I get running burn-out (or injury, lol) I switch to some circuit workouts at home. You get some cardio, but lots of strength, too, and they go by fast. Also, they're almost as convenient as running. Disclaimer: I have always gotten sort of bulky with circuits.

  5. Wow, that's some flooding to run though! I've been burnt out for quite awhile and feel like I'm finally getting refreshed but it's taken me a lot longer than expected and I stayed away from most races!

  6. Thanks for posting your race recaps and also for being honest with how things are going. I had a craptastic long run last weekend and it makes me feel better to know that I'm not the only one that has days like that. :)

    Read something that made me think of the issues you have been having with feeling tired lately. Have you had your iron levels tested? This article explains why that might be important -

  7. Goodness, that's a lot of water to run through! Great job on another race.

  8. Weights?
    P90X???? <<--- this is something we could both do, new challenge???

  9. I would have totally cheated and gone around the water.

    What about spin class at the gym? The seat is the only bad part, and you get used to it quickly.

    I second the iron suggestion. I was getting dizzy on my runs when I switched to a vitamin that didn't have iron in it.

  10. Um, that's a lot of water, and it does not really look like fun. I'm very anti water though, so maybe that leaves me jaded.

    I love the picture of you and A, she looks like she is having the greatest time running with you.

    Does your gym have spin classes? I have recently hoped on the Spin Bandwagon after being very fearful of it. I feel like it's made a huge improvement in my leg strength and endurance. I don't really have any other suggestions, I wish I did. Since you're tracking your food anyway, maybe you could keep an eye on things to see if their is a relation?

  11. I would have "cheated" on that flooded part too! Hey how about trying yoga or pilates - something low key to chill out?

  12. i'm so sorry you aren't loving running right now. i can't remember, but i'm assuming the docs ran tests to make sure you are really okay? i can't remember if flywheel is there or not but i loved it. you've done pilates and yoga too, right?

  13. I fully understand how you feel about running, I have barely run at all since I ran 40 miles on December 1. I feel tired and uninterested in running. I hope to get back to it soon, I haven't even worn a Superman shirt since the 40 miler. I think we just overdue it and our bodies decide they need a break...


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

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