Tuesday, October 16, 2012

50 Half Marathon in 50 States (and DC)

Roughly 2.5 years ago, L and I set a goal to run a half marathon in all the states. Which was pretty funny, because the first half marathon we ran was the longest either of us had run, and it didn't go particularly great for either of us. Maybe the goal was developed because we traveled for that race?

Anyway... feel free to skip this blog if you don't want to read about me reminiscing about my adventure across the US. This will be mostly pictures, and I'm not going to go crazy posting from all the races.

In no particular order:

Most Unexpectedly Fun Half Marathon
State #49 - News & Sentinel Half Marathon (Parkersburg, West Virginia)
L, Kim, Me
Most Beautiful Courses (tie)
State #6 - Kaua'i Half Marathon (Poipu, Hawaii)
State #37 - Amica Half Marathon (Newport Beach, Rhode Island)

Least Fun in a Half Marathon (tie)
State #4 - River City Half Marathon (Red Wing, Minnesota)
State #26 - Great Bay Half Marathon (Newmarket, New Hampshire)
State #32 - Brownville Freedom Run (Brownville, Nebraska)

First Double Weekend
State #11 - Hartford Half Marathon (Hartford, Connecticut)
State #12 - Boston Half Marathon (Boston, Massachusetts)

Most Annoying Travel Situations (tie)
State #17 - Thunder Road Half Marathon (Charlotte, North Carolina)
State #20 - First Light Half Marathon (Mobile, Alabama)

Best Race Shirt
I should totally have a picture of said shirt.
State #36 - Baltimore Half Marathon (Baltimore, Maryland)

Best Medal (Tie)
State #17 - Thunder Road Half Marathon (Charlotte, North Carolina)
State #36 - Baltimore Half Marathon (Baltimore, Maryland)
State #43 - Williams Route 66 Half Marathon (Tulsa, Oklahoma)

Best Post Race Food
State #26 - Casper Half Marathon (Casper, Wyoming)

Meeting the Most Runners/Bloggers!
State #9 - You Go Girl! Half Marathon (Tacoma, Washington)

Favorite Race
State #23 - NYC Half Marathon (New York City, New York)

Favorite Outfit/Costume (Tie)
State #34 - Disneyland Half Marathon (Anaheim, California)

State #44 - Rock 'n' Roll New Orleans (New Orleans, Louisiana)
State #48 - Superhero Half Marathon (Morristown, New Jersey)

Biggest Hype (But Not Impressed)
State #25 - Martian Half Marathon (Dearborn, Michigan)
State #27 - Wickedly Fast (Oz) Half Marathon (Olathe, Kansas)

Personal Underachievement
State #49 - News and Sentinel Half Marathon (Parkersburg, West Virginia)

Personal Best
State #20 - First Light Half Marathon (Mobile, Alabama)
Me and Elizabeth
The One That Started it All
State #1 - Canyonlands Half Marathon (Moab, Utah)

The One That Ended it All
State #50 - GMAA Half Marathon (South Hero, Vermont)

Honorable Mention for Good (aka "Must Run") Races
State #10 - Maine Half Marathon (Portland, Maine)
State #33 - Missoula Half Marathon (Missoula, Montana)
State #46 - One American 500 Festival (Indianapolis, IN)

Ok. I might be done talking about it now. Maybe.


  1. Bookmarking this post. I love it! What a fun way to recap your adventure.

  2. Epic! Huge congratulations on finishing such an ambitious goal and in such an incredibly short period of time. Now is the time to celebrate having accomplished something truly grand, something an infinitesimally tiny percentage of people have achieved, and look forward to the next great adventure.

    A lot of the races that came up in your Best-Of list are either ones I've already completed or have firmly slated in my calendar. I look forward to tackling them and following in your footsteps.

    Well done :)

  3. I LOVE this overview! So many good adviceson races, need to do some of them :)

  4. I was wondering how in the world you were going to do this post- it's perfect. What an amazing 2.5 year journey you've had. Congratulations on an adventurous chapter now closed :)

  5. i love this! good for me to remember for some of the states i still need to do. and i love that you categorized them. :) still can’t believe it only took 2.5 years. it’s going to take me 15!!!!

  6. OMG what an accomplishment!! Congrats!

    This makes me want to run so many of these races...

  7. Love this post & love that WA made your list!

  8. I'm continually amazed and inspired by the both of yo! And please don't stop talking!

  9. Very impressive feat, well done, almost inspired to try it myself...

  10. I started reading your blog just a short time ago, maybe around half #45 or 46. I've really enjoyed reading all your recaps!!

  11. This post is just amazing! Thank you for providing a quick summary of so much races. All I can say is "WOW" you are a total dream catcher! Way to go!!

  12. congratulations! I am so happy you finished your goal. I'm jealous---would love to do the same one day. You rock!

  13. Wow you and L should be so proud! Thank you for taking us with you on your journey. I can't wait to see what you are up to next!

  14. I haven't been able to read blogs in about a month, so I'm trying to get caught up. I'm so excited to see how state #50 went!!

    I think Kauai is always one of your races that stands out in my mind for some reason. And your DL half costume? Still my favorite!



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