Wednesday, October 10, 2012

It's All About the Logistics

Now that I'm (almost) done with the 50 state quest, I'm trying to limit the amount of traveling I am doing. For example, I am only going to be doing ONE race in November! (lol)

With that said... sometimes I don't look at the overall picture when I look at a race. MONTHS ago, (seriously, 6+ months ago), I added the Rocky Raccoon 50 miler to my schedule. I was super happy to get in as it sold out in DAYS.

Then... I started looking at the logistics. Airfare not too bad... if I leave on a Monday. (Or Sunday night out of Austin, which would require my sister in law coming to get me from Huntsville). More expensive airfare if I fly OUT of IAH. Then I would have to add in at least one day of a hotel (and couldn't find a roomie) PLUS a mandatory car rental as it is over an hour drive from the airport to the race. Yeah. I didn't really plan that well. By the time I added up my costs, I am looking at the race entry (can't remember what it was, but I'll guess around $100), $180 for a flight (assuming I fly out of Austin and my SIL came to get me, other wise probably $300 to fly out of IAH as Frontier has no flights on Sundays and Saturday obviously I won't be done soon enough), at least $100 for hotel, plus $60 for a car... and gas... and time off from work...

I have to draw the line somewhere. So. Looks like I will NOT be running the RR50 this year (much to SOMEONE'S happiness when my entry goes to someone on the waiting list). I will get back all my entry fee, less a 15% fee. Better than nothing.

With that said... I think I want to do the Ray Miller 50/50 the same weekend.

Wait. Didn't I just get done saying I was short on funds? Well... this one is close to MY BFF HEATHER.

So. There's that.

I need to get better at adding all this stuff up BEFORE I sign up for stuff. All my races and travel are booked through the end of January (and even IMS in February!) so those are all good. (PS, did I mention that A and I got RT TICKETS TO CALIFORNIA FOR TINK FOR $266? TOTAL! FOR BOTH OF US!!! FOR REAL!)

Anyway, just a little vent about my stupid planning sometimes.

Anyone run the Ray Miller 50/50? (I'd likely be looking at the 50k and NOT the 50 mile as the course looks WAY CRAZY compared to RR and I *do* have a marathon 15 days after)

PS, you have until October 14 at midnight MST to get in on the virtual race action! Only $50 until I reach my goal!! (thank you thank you thank you!!)


  1. Oy with the logistics! I don't know how you and L did it all for 50 States. I have learned (from you guys) that it's okay to book an outbound flight and wait on the return to get cheaper. You guys are so smart.

    I need to make 34 friends in 34 more states to save some $$$, hehe.

  2. I think you made the right decision. Good luck with the new race!!

  3. Good luck! I am in awe you can afford to travel that much! LOL!

  4. Good luck running Vt! Wish I could have run at least one of these with you!

  5. Well that's great that you didn't get psyched up for a race for nothing!

  6. I'm almost afraid to even start tallying up the $ I spend for away races!


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...