Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Drumroll Please!

What some of you may (or may not) have been waiting for!! The big reveal is here! Ready to find out where and when the 50 state challenge will be completed? Well, here it is! My newest race schedule!


October 29 - Spinx Half Marathon - Greenville, SC (State #40) Registered
October 30 - Big Hit Half Marathon - Louisville, KY (State #41) Registered
November 19 - White River Half Marathon - Cotter, AR (State #42) Registered
November 20 - Route 66 Half Marathon - Tulsa, OK (State #43) Registered
December 5 - Las Cruces Half Marathon - Las Cruces, NM
December 31 - New Years Double Half Marathon - Allen, TX Registered
January 1 - New Years Double Marathon - Allen, TX Registered
January 15 - Rock 'n' Roll Arizona - Phoenix, AZ (half? full?)
January 29 - Tinker Bell Half Marathon - Anaheim, CA Registered
March 4 - Rock 'n' Roll New Orleans - New Orleans, LA (State #44) Registered
March 24/25 - Moab 100 Miler - Moab, UT (still giving this thought...)
April 15 - Platte River Half Marathon - Littleton, CO
April 20/21 - Ragnar SoCal - Huntington Beach to San Diego, CA Registered
April 28 - Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Half Marathon - Nashville, TN (State #45)
May 5 - One America 500 Festival Mini Marathon - Indianapolis, IN (State #46)
May 6 - Pittsburgh Half Marathon - Pittsburgh, PA (State #47)
May 13? - Superheros Half Marathon - Morristown, NJ (State #48)
May 27 - Edinburgh Marathon - Edinburgh, Scotland (full) Registered
June 2/9 - Incan Trail Marathon - Peru (27.5 mile trail marathon) Registered
June 23 - Rock 'n' Roll Seattle - Seattle, WA (full) Registered
June 24 - Vancouver Half Marathon - Vancouver, BC, Canada
July 29 - San Francisco Marathon - San Francisco, CA (full) Registered
August 3 - Legacy Midnight Run - Salt Lake City, UT (half)
August 11 - Georgetown to Idaho Springs Half Marathon - Idaho Springs, CO
August 19 - Pikes Peak Marathon - Pikes Peak, CO (full?)
August 20 - News & Sentinel Half Marathon - Parkersburg, WV (State #49)
September 9 - Maple Leaf Half Marathon - Manchester, VT (STATE #50!!!)
September 23 - Rock 'n' Roll Montreal - Montreal, Quebec, Canada (half)
September 29 - Wine & Dine Half Marathon - Lake Buena Vista, FL (half)
October 29 - Marine Corps Marathon - Arlington, VA (full)
November 6 - New York City Marathon - NYC, NY (full)
January - Goofy Challenge (half & full)
May/June - Comrades Marathon - South Africa (56 miles)
Australia - No specific race selected yet.
February/March - Antarctica Marathon - the waiting list puts it out this far. Plus it is INSANELY expensive. I'll have to save for this one. Probably will be my only out of state race that entire year.

**Keep in mind some of these races do not have a 2012 date officially set, so the date might be from 2011, and I'm just assuming it will be roughly the same time**

So. With all this in mind... seems like I am going to have an even BIGGER 2012 than I had originally planned. Will I see any of my bloggy buddies at any of these races? Well, besides RnR New Orleans and RnR Seattle. I am obviously pretty full already, but am ALWAYS open to suggestions. And my February is completely naked...

I have MONTHS to work on it, but I plan on an AWESOME giveaway when I complete my final state next fall.



  1. yes, please! introductions when you come to nashville :D what an exciting year you crazy lady!!!!! :)

  2. What a lineup! My co-author and I are in Seattle, so maybe we'll spot you at our R&R!

  3. Holy shit! THis is AWESOME! Ok, well I will see you in Sea for sho'. RNR NOLA is awesome & I did the Indy Mini this year and it is FLAT, FAST, and well-supported / generally awesome in every way (my PR course). BUT it is busy (biggest half in the USA). I have a recommendation for dinner after: a fried chicken & sweet potato waffle joint in Indy. F'kin awesome.

    My eyes popped out of my head when I saw...


  4. Hey! I'm running Spinx Half this weekend too! We should meet up!

  5. Montreal!!!
    how I wish I could do that one!

    that is some schedule!!!!

  6. You are a machine!!! Keep it up ... GREAT JOB!!!

  7. Awesome. Maybe I'll join you in VT. I've never done that one. I was planning my racing 2012 yesterday. I have like 4 half marathons so far, and that will likely be it. You rock!

  8. AWESOME!!! I might see you in VT and I'm also eying the Goofy Challenge in 2013. You will have an awesome 2012!!!!

  9. that's an impressive schedule plus scotland and peru, wow!!

  10. All I can say is DAMN!!!! You are a racing rock star!

    My brother is doing the Tulsa 1/2 marathon. And the Platte River 1/2 is a pretty nice race. I did it a couple of times.

    Have a great time!

  11. I have two words that came to mind when I read this "DAMN" and "ROCKSTAR"!

    Also make sure you register for Marine Corp in a timely fashion- sells out every year :)

    I'll see what I can do about being at some of these

  12. WOW!

    You are a busy, busy lady!

    Now, because of your list, I am kind of pondering Pittsburgh. I don't think I could pull it off - but you never know!

  13. I'll see you in AZ, Anaheim (spectating only) and Seattle!!

    So wishing I had the balls to do the Inca run...sounds so dang awesome, as does your entire year! You're a freaking machine!!

  14. You are the BEST kind of crazy person <3

  15. I will be in NOLA and you definitely made me want to look into a few others. I think I am doing the Oak Barrel 1/2 marathon in Lynchburg TN for my TN. smaller, cooler race I think (Jill at run for the hills did it and race recap looked good). and you are open that weekend if you want to switch :):) april 7th.

  16. It looks like you are sooo close to completing the 50 but I guess those smaller states make for minimal choices.

    I'll be at Tink and as of today I'm officially registered for Ragnar too. I'm going to slowly start a 50 state quest of my own with RnR Vegas in December, RnR Portland in May and Maui half in September for my 30th birthday!


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...