Friday, October 7, 2011

It's Friday, Friday!!

Didn't get around to "Three Things" yesterday, so I'll do a whole lotta random things today :)

1. I did ONE last run before Rock 'n' Roll Denver marathon this morning. I decided to wear the Newtons that I haven't worn since.... February? March? (And randomly, a t-shirt. I NEVER run in sleeves).

I'm a bit hesitant to say that my run was AWESOME. Yes, all capital letters AWESOME. Like I could've run much further (and probably faster) than my easy 4.22 in 45. Let's hope this is a preview for Sunday.

2. I got an email yesterday from a place that I applied for a job in AUGUST. They hadn't filled the position yet and wanted to know if I was still interested. I didn't hear back yesterday but had an email this morning wanting me to come in for an interview at noon. Literally less than five minutes into the interview? HIRED. I start Monday :D

And... job is complete with 3 day weekends and completely flexible with my school schedule!

3. Remember that RnR Denver is on Sunday? That means... packet pick up. (And a horrible, horrible drive into downtown Denver. Feel very sorry for out-of-towners. It's a DISASTER down there). Like last year, pick up at the Convention Center. Don't know what the bear is about. Don't ask.

A and R (L's boyfriend, will be running his FIRST marathon!)
Photo courtesy of A
A is also sprinting for the finish... even if you can't see her
Love the bracelet A got!
4. I got a chance to visit with Cheryl at Razzy Roo. I just love her! I hadn't seen her at an expo since we ran the National Marathon in DC. She has so many unique patterns, and with her prices... I had to get some new ones:

Sporting my new Razzy Roo 26.2 band (yes, I've already run 4 marathons but still didn't have one!)
A's new Razzy Roo headband
Quite possibly my new favorite one. You all know how much I love monkeys.
 And she had my ninja socks in stock. I LOVE HER SOCKS!! And ninjas?? I plan on wearing them to kickboxing.
Remember to use the link at the top left hand corner of my blog for a special discount with Razzy Roo. She is the best, and she ships everything super fast. (I had my eye on a red tutu with white polka dots too... you know, just in case I feel like Minnie Mousing during another race...)

5. Unwinding tonight by watching "The Lion King" on Blu-Ray with the kids:

6. I totally ordered this decal today.

7. A was named "Scholar of the Week" at her school. She got a cool certificate and everything. (I'd post a picture, but a tad bit too much personal info on it). Also, can't remember if I bragged earlier, but she got selected to do some testing for a gifted and talented program.

Happy Running!


  1. wow, woohoo on the job!!! and i was checking out your states raced... ummm how is TN one of the only not done? shame shame :)

  2. You definitely deserve that 50-miler sticker. I'd probably would have bought 30 of them and stuck them everywhere!

    Good luck on Sunday! I'll look for you among the other 20,000 running! :)

  3. I love the Rock-n-Roll series! They put on great runs! I did San Diego and Virginia Beach.....I really want to do Nashville and Vegas.

    Congrats on the 50 mile sticker. THAT IS AMAZING!

    Get Up & Go

  4. Congrats on the new job - that should put wings on your feet during the race! Yippee!

  5. what a fun couple of days! congrats to you on the job and to A for being so smart :)

  6. Super jealous of the race this weekend! The bear is hysterical.
    I love the pic of you and A with the finish line tape. So adorable!
    And now I want to watch the Lion King.
    Have a great race!

  7. Congrats on the new job. I have three day weekends and I love it.

    I definitely need to place a razzy order I need a tutu for Tinkerbell next year.

    I hope you have a great race tomorrow!

  8. So it's kind of a like mother/like daughter thing with the school stuff! Smarties!

    Congratulations on the job, How exciting!!

    I couldn't figure out that was a bear. I thought it was a big fist or something going into the building. Either way, I still don't get it!

  9. Seems everything is coming together, congrats on the job, sounds perfect!!!

  10. LOVE this, especially the sticker!! I don't know what that bear is about either.


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

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