Saturday, October 1, 2011

Road Runner "Fun Run"

I have never belonged to a running "club" of any kind, and as most of you know, I've never really followed a training program until I started the RLRF in August. The shoe store that put on that free 5K last week does a "fun run" the first Saturday of every month. It's free AND they give you free breakfast. I'm in. And so is A. I had her at "pancakes."

She has never run wearing the fuel belt. And I kept trying to tell her that it goes in the back. She argued, so nevermind. We get to the store around 8:00, about a dozen total people there. Everyone can do their own distance, then return back for breakfast.

We "ran" about a mile, then walked most of the way back. A said the belt was annoying and made her skirt slide down (told ya so). Hung out and had coffee, juice, and pancakes. I met a lot of REALLY nice people. And surprisingly, as compared to other running crowds I talk to, I was one of the most "experienced" runners.

I think I'll be back. I like the group atmosphere. (shocked)


  1. She is so cute - even if her belt makes her skirt fall down!

  2. A is so cute!

    I have love running with a club FAR more than I ever expected. I still run solo lots, but it's such a nice option to have...

  3. "She argued, so nevermind.".... sounds like me with my daughter... LOL

  4. i go back and forth. some days i love running with my group some days i like to be alone. its nice to have the option. glad yall had fun. or at least enjoyed the pancakes :)


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Week in Review (February 25 - March 3)

Tuesday  (15,764 steps) - Peloton and walked Olive before going to work in the office. StairMaster and a strength training at lunch. Took Ol...