Wednesday, October 19, 2011

(Mostly) Wordless Wednesday

Ahem. I plan on running with Heather for her first full marathon. Who will join us?


  1. I'll cheer for you two! And help plan dinner...but me no run. Bad juju with that one for me.

  2. Ha! :) Sweet of you to be there for her first full! :) You girls will rock that course!

  3. I love Seattle. You all will have so much fun!!!

  4. Sweet! That should be a fun race!

  5. Awesome! I'm seriously considering signing up for the half!! I LOVE Seattle , would love to run there!

  6. I'll be there - flashing the band to make them stay longer so you can see them, right? ;)

  7. Yikes.

    So, did you hear I'm running a FULL?

    Seems so.... far...

  8. i've been debating on doing seattle so I can get in Washington!

  9. Heyyyyyyyy!! So I am actually signed up for this. I did it because I had a massive coupon code, but we'll see if I actually make it up there. :) Would be fun to meet up!

  10. this was my first marathon-i have a love hate relationship with it. glad they are changing the course!!! i sadly won’t be doing it bc I am trying to knock out a few more states and dont want to travel that far to repeat it. good luck though!

  11. OMG! Ive totally been debating doing this one for the past couple weeks. You have just made my decision! I'm in!!!



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