Monday, October 3, 2011

Case of the Mondays

Honestly. I felt like a slug ALL DAY. I mean, I took like three separate naps. I did go to a study session, met with an advisor for the college I'm transferring to in the fall, and watched "The Lincoln Lawyer" (which I thought was excellent). But just blah and exhausted.

But PSYCHED that even though I was dreading going to the gym since on schedule was some intervals... it went just fine!

Goal: 10-20 min warm up easy, 6 x 400 @ 2:09 with 400 RI, 10 min cool down easy
Actual: 1.37 in 15; 2:03, 2:00, 1:58, 1:55, 1:53, 1:46 (6 x 3:59), 1.02 in 11
Total - 5.39 miles in 61:29

So my last interval was at a 6:31 pace (once the treadmill actually gets up to the pace, which I set for 9.2 mph). All I can say is I really respect speedsters. I thought I was going to die.

One more "easy" run, and then RnR Denver Marathon on Sunday!


  1. glad your run went well. I met a lot of people (half fanatics) who are also doing the Rock n Roll Denver- should be a good meet up. Good luck!

  2. Woohooo! Speedy! :) You'll kick Denver's butt! :)

  3. Nice intervals - woohoo! I like intervals on the treadmill, they make me go a certain speed and not stop....without falling off.

  4. Dang... that is REALLY fast!! I don't know how people maintain that for an entire race!

    Have fun on Sunday!!

  5. Nice work! Did you just do your 50?!?! And you have another race already? Awesome!!


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Week in Review (February 25 - March 3)

Tuesday  (15,764 steps) - Peloton and walked Olive before going to work in the office. StairMaster and a strength training at lunch. Took Ol...