Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What the???

So I had an "easy 3" on the books for taper week. So I figured, why waste a trip to the gym, when I can run around the lake a few times?

LOVE the new skirt. LOVE
I had checked my Garmin, and I hadn't done an outside run since JUNE. And that was a super short one I did in Austin when I dropped A off to visit with her dad. Wow. Really? It wasn't that hot out, but it was sunny with no breeze. It was HOT to me though. The easy three? NOT.AT.ALL.EASY. My legs felt like lead. It was like I'd never ever run before in my entire life. Blech.


To my readers. I have worn Newtons almost exclusively for the last 15 months. I have been trying to find a cheaper shoe for the last... 2 months or so. Settled on Zoots that really aren't that much cheaper. While they are "comfortable," I don't think they are great for long distances. I have a couple pairs of Newtons that should be able to survive a 26.2. However, I haven't raced in anything other than Zoots since July (except my 50 miler that I wore an old pair of Lady Isaacs).



  1. what a beautiful day... and OMG, that skirt is sooo cute!

  2. I would go with the Newtons. Familiar and proven are good. Good luck this weekend!

  3. I can't answer your question at all. I am pretty much clueless about shoes and all that goes with them.

    I do like that skirt though!

  4. hmm. i love my brooks. hoping to get the pure project ones soon…they are much cheaper than my newtons that have hardly been worn. i would cut you a deal but knowing your size i doubt you wear a 9.5 :)

  5. Switched to newtons 11 months ago and I'm not looking back...ever. Save some cash by buying from running warehouse (free 2 day ship and no tax for me, not sure what states they charge tax in but not IL). Use code HAMPTOND to save 15% off, and every thanksgiving they do a 20% off the purchase of gift cards, so load up and then buy my shoes with the 15% on top of the discounted gift cards. Newtons are expensive, but worth it. PS - love your site; my wife and I are on a similar quest to run all 50 states in under 100 total hours and love reading your race recaps.
    Best of luck


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...