Monday, August 30, 2010

Ridiculous Runs

Hard Core... part 2?
Outdoor Run - Arvada Loop - Sunday, August 29I raced on Saturday afternoon/evening, then I went to a concert, didn't get home until almost 11 pm. And yet... I set my alarm and diligently got up at 3:58 am to go running with L before she had to go to work at 7 am. It's hard to find lighter/brighter colors to wear so I'm at least *slightly* visible in the dark, but I did my best:

I had a busy day planned AND I just loathe running in the HEAT, so this seemed like a better idea. 

We did the same "Arvada Loop" that we have done a few other times, taking out a few miles to be sure we could finish in time. The nice thing about the loop is that it is mostly well lit, there aren't *too* many busy streets to cross, AND we get in a lot of hills... Anyway. My run was great. Fabulous even. I didn't feel fatigued, I didn't feel hot. I didn't even feel like I needed it, but I took one of the GUs that I had won in a giveaway a few weeks back. Strawberry Banana... and it was pretty good! Thanks again, Stephanie!

Anyway, the "long" run was just short of 8.5 miles, and I felt good the whole time - which is a win.

Part Two of today's blog...

I won a contest!! Woo hoo!!!

The Rules:

1. Answer this question: If you had the chance to go back and change one thing in your life, would you and what would it be?

2. The second thing you have to do is, pick 6 people and give them this award. You then have to inform the person that they have gotten this award.

3. The third and final thing is, thank the person who gave you the award.

The Answers:

1. Well... I couldn't really go back and change anything without changing the super awesome person (I'd like to think) I've become. So the "easy" answer is... nothing. I guess the "real" answer is... I'd have been nicer to my family when I was in high school - and I'll leave it at that.

2. 6 people that I would like to give this award to (in random order):

3. Thanks to Little Fruit Fly in the Rainbow Colored Socks for presenting me with this awesome award. I love reading your blog! (And I really don't know anyone else that actually has "The Goonies R Good Enough" on their iPod, haha).


  1. Ok - so I have total skirt envy. I've been dying to know...HOW MANY running skirts do you have and when is the next time you are going to be out so I can fly over & snatch them all up?!?!? I think I would run a lot more if I had such cute skirts!

  2. Thanks for your nice comment on my blog, Becka! :)

    Just curious.. how do you like running in Newtons? Have I already asked you this? I recently started running in a pair of Newtons and I've been having some slight knee pain. I don't know if its from the shoes or just blatant overuse (I have been running a lot, and on new terrain/temps!)... did you have much of an adjustment period to the shoes?


  3. Thanks Becka, that's so sweet! :)

    I love that skirt! Where did you get it?

    And don't you just love the good runs, that make you feel great?:)

  4. That's impressive to run on that little sleep! Thanks for the award...I actually just answered this one from someone else!

  5. @ Average A - I love running in the Newtons! They are a lot more comfortable than my last pair of running shoes. I didn't have any adjustment period at all, but rumor has it that could be because I've done some running in Vibrams.

    @ Silly Girl - I got the skirt as a birthday present!! It's different than any other one I have, I love it!

    @ Alma F - Eeek... I don't even know how many I have... Off the top of my head at least a dozen :D

  6. That is such a cute skirt Becka!

    Thanks for the tag too:)

  7. eeks 3:58 am. i mean i do that sometimes but i know it's no fun! it is better than the afternoon heat though, hands down.

  8. I'm loving the orange skirt! I'm an Oregon State University graduate, so my closet has become quite full of orange (and black), but an orange running skirt is sadly not part of it. You are very welcome for your award! It was my pleasure to present it to you!


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

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