Friday, August 27, 2010

Need For Speed

Treadmill - Friday, August 27

Due to my long run happening on Wednesday morning, I didn't get in my Yasso tempo training... so I switched it to today.

Increase from last week:

  • 10 min @ 5.8 mph
  • 5 sets - 4 min @ 7.5 mph, 4 min @ 3.0 mph (yes, added a set since last week)
  • 10 min @ 6.2 mph
  • 5 min @ 6.3 mph
Only thing to say about this workout is that I like Bart just a *little* less than last week. It's not so much the speed that is the hard part. It is watching myself in the mirror makes me dizzy and I swear I'm going to fly off the treadmill. Not looking forward to adding the sixth set next week. But I desperately want to improve... so there you have it.

I am in love with my heart compression socks from (and the skirt too).


1 comment:

  1. You look great, as always! Yay on the Yasso; I will try the Yasso method for my next marathon! :)


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