Thursday, August 19, 2010

Three Things Thursday

1. I wore this dress yesterday. I have had it for almost a year and had never worn it. I got it at the Bettie Page store when I went to Vegas last September. It was a little snug at the time, but it was the LAST ONE so I bought it anyway. I got lots of complements on it. Made my day :D

2. I did my first Yasso tempo training last night. What's that? I'm always whining about how slow I am and yet I don't do speed work?? Exactly. So W (crazy sister) suggested that I try the Yasso program with the goal of a 2 hour half marathon.

So in 1:05 I accomplished:
  • 15 min warm up @ 5.6 mph
  • 4 x 4 min @ 7.5 mph and 4 min @ 3.0 mph
  • 18 min @ 5.6 mph
Amazing how I accomplished only a little less mileage wise in that time than if I was just doing my regular "long" run. And I walked for SIXTEEN minutes out of it. But, W claims that I will get faster, so I am changing up my regular Wednesday workout to incorporate this training. And honestly, I was dreading it ALL day, and it was not nearly as horrible as I imagined it would be, so... WIN! Followed up the tempo training with a 20 minute run:

3. I am in love with my gym clothes. Seriously.

A has a hard time focusing, she is only 4 though :)
So between the awesome running skirt, the rad leg sleeves and my fabulous shoes... I just LOVE getting dressed to go to the gym. It *almost* makes the treadmill bearable...

I know it is three things Thursday, but I will add an additional three here, lol

1. I got my costume in the mail for Disney Princess half marathon. It's gonna be awesome.
2. I have friends coming in from California for Warrior Dash this weekend. So excited!!!
3. Only TWELVE days left until I have to have all my fundraising in for Greece. Pretty please with sugar on top?? (And that means I only have... 73 days until the marathon. Holy crap. I need to get in some miles)


  1. Love that dress! Looks cute on you! How's the Yasso working for you? What's your costume for the Disney Princess like? Please tell! :)

    And don't you just love getting dressed for a run! :)

  2. A does have a hard time focusing, lol.

    Great job on the Yasso's, that a pretty fast pace. Think you can work up to 10?

  3. @ Silly Girl - Disney costume... Snow White! It's gonna be awesome!

    @ Wendy - The Yassos were not as hard as imagined, maybe because I made SURE to do the walking. Not sure if I can work up to 10, but next week is up to 5...

  4. 1. May I have your dress? I love it. I think we're the same size. I'll pay shipping.
    2. I'm ALL ABOUT costumes for races. I wore cowgirl gear for a half and almost died of fun. Check it out...there's an old post on was last October.

  5. I'm a fan also. LOVE those skirts!

  6. Love the Bettie Page store! Love the dress! Love the shoes! Love it love it love it!

    And I love that you'll be one of those costumed people at the Princess 1/2! My mom gave in and is walking the 5K with me the day before. I'm trying to get her wear something fun for that day since I'm not confident in a costume at my first 1/2 just yet!

  7. Yowza!! That dress is *almost* as awesome as your gym clothes! :-)

  8. You're so fashionable on and off the treadmill! :)

  9. that is the cutest gym outfit!! the dress is gorgeous too of course :)


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

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