Friday, August 20, 2010

Not So Fabulous Friday

And the walls came crumblin' down...

I look forward to Friday. Every week. Friday is the only day of the week that I stop and get a Starbucks on my way to work - venti iced coffee with 5 pumps of white mocha and a shot of espresso. Today I was in an ESPECIALLY good mood for two reasons:

1. I finally earned all my money to run with Team AHEPA in the Athens, Greece marathon.
2. I am only .2 pounds away from my goal weight (a weight I have not been in... years).

So even though traffic has been suckier than usual, even leaving at my regular time, I was still 15 minutes late. Between the construction and getting EVERY.SINGLE.LIGHT.RED, I usually have a very stressful drive in (my commute is between 45 min and an hour each way. But on Friday I don't usually care... because I know in 8 short hours I'm out the door.

Friday is also the only day I actually leave the office and take a lunch. Usually I sit at my desk and eat a frozen dinner. How sad is that. I drive into Boulder, go to Whole Foods and indulge in their fabulous salad bar. Today was no exception. I got a better-than-usual salad and brought it back to the office. And then... around 2:00 my boss called me into her office. A two minute conversation and all of a sudden my job that I've had for 6.5 years was cut from a full-time position to part-time. Just.Like.That. Effective immediately, I no longer work an 8 hour day. I work a 5 hour day. I work for a super small company. And I know that we have had a rough few years, sales have been way down. They cut my hours because I'm hourly. And then know that I will be forced to quit because I cannot support my family on a part-time job. I'm a single mom!! By forcing me to quit, they don't have to pay me unemployment.

**** **** **** **** !!!!!

I graciously leave for the day (early) without totally flipping out. Quite an accomplishment, I was seething by the time I left. Good news is, I had time for a "relaxing" run.

West Big Dry Creek Trail - Friday, August 20

Hot outside... almost 90 degrees when I headed out.

I was feeling pretty cranky, but I must say that I looked adorable:

Most awesome running skirt ever, and compression socks!!

The first 20 minutes felt GREAT. I looked at my watch and knew I was pacing too fast but I couldn't seem to slow down. I was cycling a great mix on my iPod and I think my work rage had given me some (short term) energy... it all came crashing down after the halfway point. I ran out of fluid. Again. It's like I never learn. 16-20 oz is NOT enough when it's this hot out. I was super tired and hot and fatigued on the way back. I walked a lot more than I usually do. Which of course got me even MORE worked up over my dumb job :(

I still made decent time - finishing 6.55 miles in just under 70 minutes. It was too hot to continue running outside, but I still had some pent up energy/anger, so I headed over to the gym since I still had a bit of time before I had to pick up A.

Treadmill - Friday, August 20

Blah. So. In conclusion:

1. I put in my two weeks notice... over email. The pay/hours they have reduced me to is less than I would make if I was on unemployment. Between that and the 2 hours I spend commuting, I can say it's totally not worth it to bother staying on. Which essentially puts me without a job by the time I'm on a plane heading to Kaua'i.
2. I went to my first adult gymnastics class last night and my "glory days" are back in the sense that I could still do a roundoff into three back handsprings and I didn't break my neck. I'm paying for it today, I haven't been this sore since I took my first BodyPump class last year.


  1. Congrats on the fundraising and the weight! You and I seriously need to run together. With our skirts and socks we would be unstoppable!

    Are you running as part of the "Will Run For Ice Cream" team @ You Go Girl?

  2. Already commented on your FB-page about the job thing; just rude and wrong, that's how I feel about it. But, I just know that you will end up with a job that you enjoy way more than you enjoyed this one. :)

    And don't you just love that skirt! :) It's the best! :)

  3. Such a bummer about your job - here's hoping you find something fabulous without the commute.
    You look amazingly cute in that skirt! And since I could NEVER do a roundoff into back handsprings, I am totally jealous! :-)

  4. Aaahhh that really sucks. I'm sorry.

    Yes the traffic has been bad around here lately!!!! Where is that adult gymnastics class? I've been looking for one of those for years!!!!!!!!

  5. @TMB - Yes, running with "Will Run for Ice Cream"
    @ShutUpandRun - at Apex Rec in Arvada

  6. I am so very sorry to read about your job!! That really sucks :(

  7. 1) That really freaking sucks about your job.

    2) Your outfit? ADORABLE!!!

    3) roundoff and three back handsprings? Dude, you're awesome!!

  8. congrats on the fundraising and weight loss! i hope to be as successful w/ the weight as you!

    that totally sucks about your job... i know they did nothing illegal but it's like seriously? after you work for years for them, this is how they repay you. ugh. i hope that whatever is next is 10x better!!

  9. that sucks about your's hoping you find something even better soon. At least you've got lots of awesome things coming up soon to look forward to...and yes, your outfit is totally cute.


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