Friday, August 13, 2010

It's a Sunshine Day

Outdoor Run - West Big Dry Creek Trail - Friday... the 13th (of August)

So... today was the day that I planned on trying wearing compression socks for the first time. All the other cool kids are doing it. Plus, I have another half marathon to run in the morning and I wanted my legs to be rested. My outfit? As a lady in my building said "Don't you look summery?"

Even though it was only 81 went I went to lunch, it was much hotter by the time I headed out:

It. Was. Hot. Blazing hot.

My initial goal was to take it slow and easy. So imagine my surprise when I looked down after about 10 minutes and I was going sub 10 minute mile pace. Huh. Weird. I was testing out my new "race belt" today and I had forgotten my water bottle (!!!) so I was carrying a wide mouth vitamin water bottle. Only about 1/3 full. I stupidly thought that would be enough water. It wasn't. I was so freaking hot!! The good news is that the belt was awesome. I had to keep checking to be sure my phone was still in the pouch because I didn't feel the weight of it at all.

I did pretty good on the way out, finishing the 5K+ in just over a half hour. But the way back was rough. I was hot, out of water, and trying to NOT over-exert myself while still trying to get back to the car in a reasonable time to pick up A. The curious/gross part of the run was the sighting of new animals... mice. I saw two, about a mile apart. Both dead. Hope that doesn't mean we are due for a new outbreak of plague or something. ::shudder::

I also tested out the wrist band under the Garmin and it seemed to work fine. No problems with the watch at all. Though usually it seems to wait until race days to give me trouble anyway. 6.5 miles done.


  1. What kind of belt did you use? poor mouse! Probably died of heat stroke! :( Go you for running in this heat!

  2. I have skirt envy - soooooo cute! Rockin' run in that heat!

  3. Ewww on the mouse! NOT a nice sight when on a run! :)

    Lalalalove your outfit! You rock the socks! Did you like them? :)

  4. That outfit is epic. The shoes are my fave. I want them to wear every day not even just for running!

  5. OMG, I love your running skirt! You are also rocking those compression socks:) I have not reached your status of cool...I do not own compression socks yet:)

  6. Love the outfit. We can be twins! So, I see you are running Bermuda in January. I ran it this year. Most beautiful course ever. But be ready for some serious hills. And Disney princess is pretty much the best race ever.

  7. Good job! What kind of running belt do you use? I really need to buy one! I LOVE your outfit! Your skirt is super cute.

  8. i haven't worn my compression socks in the summer yet... i feel like they'd be too hot? but then again, they do always feel good...

    that's a cool pic of the sun and well a gross one of the rat!

  9. won my GU giveaway last week at

    Please email me your mailing address at:



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