Thursday, August 5, 2010

I just love new shoes!!

Treadmill - Wednesday, August 4

Who am I kidding? I get super psyched for ANY new running gear - whether it be shoes, skirt, even socks! I haven't decided yet if I'm going to stick with my old shoes for the half this weekend, but a good starting point for breaking in new shoes is my long(ish) treadmill run on Wednesdays. A took a pic of me before heading out to the gym:

If nothing else, my daughter thinks I'm a super hero and that's enough to put me in good mood anyway. The skirt I'm wearing here I absolutely love from skirt sports, but it's too loose in the waist to wear for racing (my pouch would pull it way down). Anyway, I'm always happier wearing a skirt, and I was actually (gasp) looking forward to my run.

Two goals for the night. Make my new shoes be awesome (no blisters, no pain) - and pace faster than usual since it's my last "real" run before my next race.

Check and Check!!

This was actually one of the best treadmill runs I have had in ages. The first 30 minutes I felt REALLY good. If I hadn't had to stop to use the bathroom, I bet the whole run would have been great. It's hard for me to stop and get started again, even if it is only for a minute or two.

Gym fascination of the night. Random guy (different than the other one) who stretches... FOREVER. At my gym the treadmills are almost always full and it doesn't help that there are usually at least a few totally out of order. This guy actually sits on a treadmill (with his stupid huge gallon of water) forever stretching. How long is forever? Last night... 28 minutes. That's ridiculous. Especially ON a treadmill when there are people waiting to use it!! And then he gets on the treadmill and walks like 2.8 mph for 10-15 minutes. His only redemption is that he actually DOES run (eventually) at a decent pace (faster than me, grrr) 8.0+ Top it off with his long slouchy socks and super tight spandex-y shorts... OY.


  1. He actually sat on the treadmill for 28 minutes stretching? Geez, that's annoying!

  2. Pretty please post a picture of this guy! Or even better; a video! :) That would totally make my day...oh, no, my week!

    And Yeeeeh on the new shoes! I love new shoes. :)

  3. I'm shocked at the guy sitting on the treadmill too. Surely he could see that all other treadmills were in use!

  4. Stretching for 28 minutes and using up a treadmill to do it? Some one need to give that guy a swift kick in...

  5. This guy is unreal. I have only seen him there a few times. Next time I'll get a picture. A video would be pretty boring because it's only like 5 stretches, he just drags it out for a half hour!

  6. I think Stretch is lucky he's at your gym and not mine. Snork or I woulda stabbed him if we were next in line and dude was playing yoga on the tready. What a punk.


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