Friday, August 6, 2010

Fabulous Friday! (and five things...)

Outdoor Run - West Big Dry Trail and Treadmill - Friday, August 6

Last run before my next half marathon in Red Wing, MN on Sunday. All day long it was looking pretty nice out. Literally I get off work and it starts drizzling. Hmmm... well, it wasn't THAT bad, and it seemed to get better the further south I went. Pulled into my usual spot, inconspicuously (I hope) changed into my running clothes, stretched... and right when I started heading out, I noticed the really dark clouds and that it was lightning and thundering. I figured I wasn't going to be out that long so it would be fine.

Anyway... I had just earlier in the week bought the new running shoes. I always test new shoes out on the treadmill for a few days to make sure they aren't going to give me blisters or feel weird, etc. I had talked to my sister (the genius) about my shoes, and she suggested I go to the Newton Lab and try a pair of those. SHUT.UP. I had no IDEA there was a Newton store in Boulder, much less the LAB??? Very next day, I drive in... the store is magical. And the guy helping me - totally not stupid!! I am instantly in love. And not just because they are super neon and bright (additional props to them for making FUN shoes) but they were immediately comfortable.

Back to run. So according to their return policy, you can return them in 30 days, even IF you were them outside. They are SO.FREAKING.PRETTY.

Yet another running skirt (and a super attractive pic of me - blah....)!

Notice - no rain. No moisture. I start out. Yes, I hear the thunder. Yes, I see the lightning. I'm still not worried. About a half mile in, small drops of rain start falling. I'm still not worried. Then I get to the bridge at approximately one mile, and it really starts coming down. For a minute or so I'm torn. I really had wanted to run a 10K(ish) but the rain was pretty intense. I turned around at 1.09 miles and the entire way back to the car I felt like I was running through a monsoon. Wind and hard rain. Damn. Get back to the car and I am completely drenched. It's like I jumped in a swimming pool with my clothes on. Good thing the shoes appear to be awesome, because they were also totally soaked. But it seemed like in my short run that the shoes were pretty darn fabulous. I had forgotten to put glide on my feet and they didn't hurt at all. 2.19 miles in just over 21 minutes - FAST for me :)

Literally two minutes after I get in the car - this is how bad the rain is:

Yeah. Bad enough the streets were flooding. So I had to go to the gym to finish my run (BOOOOO) and I didn't have another change of clothes but I don't want to waste the time going home to change. So I go drenched and start running... and the shoes feel really awesome. Like I started at my usual pace and it felt like I was barely moving. And I just kept increasing, and increasing, and I didn't feel as hot and overworked, and I didn't feel out of shape like I had never run before. I was actually... dare I say it? Enjoying. My. Run. WOW. Best run in ages!!

Five fabulous Friday random things:

1. Do any of you use whey protein? I usually buy a dutch chocolate mix from Whole Foods. Then they stopped being on sale, so I got suckered in by the glitz and glamor and tried the "Biggest Loser" brand... ewww. It's vile.

2. Does anyone run for charity? I have emailed a few local chapters of various charities... maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree, but I figure if I'm running so much anyway, I might as well run for a good cause. Any suggestions?

3. I keep trying to find a sponsor. Any ideas on how to get one? Or if I'm even qualified? I've applied for a few and was turned down both times. Does anyone here have one?

4. Race schedule is almost completely full for the next... ten months? I have a TON of races soon, so I'm just hoping to stay healthy!

5. I promise I'll stop begging for donations soon... But until I hit goal (and I'm so so so SO close) I'll keep posting the link:


  1. I use Whey Protein. I buy the vanilla Max Pro from Muscle Max. I have 1/2 a scoop in my celery/carrot/cherry shake each morning and sometimes another 1/2 scoop later in the day. I didn't bother with the chocolate, if you mix it with Nesquick it's pretty good.

  2. Loooooove the shoes! :) Why don't they make 'regular' running shoes in these fun colours? Why the plain white?

    I run for the Lornah Kiplagat Foundation. It's an international foundation based in Holland. I just wrote them an email and it was fine.

    Great Race Schedule!!!

  3. AWESOME shoes!!!!! I always complain about my boring shoes, but it seems the good looking ones just don't feel right. You are lucky to find cool and comfy shoes!! :)

  4. You probably won't see this before your race, but if you do...good luck and have fun!!

  5. I love fun running shoes. My local running store is cool too - I can never just dash in and out with a new pair. I must try on shoes, chat up running... :) and they have a good return policy too. Glad you have a great source!

    I know Sony was looking for athletes a month+ ago. I might still have an email address you could try? Send me an email - Lindsay AT chasingthekenyans DOT com

  6. Those shoes are pretty freakin' awesome!


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