Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Week in Review (August 24 - August 30)

Tuesday (11,396 steps) - Work in the office. Busy enough after my first day in person since before Bigfoot that I worked through my lunch. Left a few minutes early so I could get my scheduled run/walk done before A got done with practice.
Wednesday (5,874 steps) - Work in the office. Did a 30 minute upper body video during lunch. After work I did a Peloton ride that I really enjoyed - all Lady Gaga songs!
Thursday (12,492 steps) - Work from home. Took Pika for a walk at lunch, then did my "power hike" workout after work.
Friday (12,825 steps) - 45 minute Peloton ride before heading to Wash Park to meet up with the gang for a walk. 
Work in the office. Happy hour at Jeramiah & Stephanie's house after work.

Saturday (35,114 steps) - Dropped A off at school before 6 am so she could catch her bus to Vail for her first cross country meet of the season. Met Jeramiah in Boulder to do South Boulder & Bear Peak. It was tough, but honestly, after Bigfoot, nothing really feels THAT bad, and I know it's at least not going to last for five days, haha. 

Stopped at REI to pick up some things, then home to walk Pika. 
Discovered that the water heater finally DID crap out when there was not hot water in the shower. 
I love how much food I have now that I work with Abby!
Had lunch and sat around waiting for Ben to get off work to see what we maybe could do with the water heater since all the people we had talked to were booked out for a bit.
Sunday (21,973 steps) - Slept in. Ben called Rheem in the morning to find out if the water heater was under warranty, since it was manufactured in 2015. It was! Once we had that piece of good news we headed to Mount Morrison so I could get the rest of the vert I needed to finish the Leadville 100,000' climbing challenge. The climbs were pretty tough, but not as bad as I remembered. The descents were actually way worse. 

We stopped at the newer Barrels and Bottles location in Golden for a beer and some food before heading home. 

Rest of the evening was spent screwing around with the water heater to drain and remove.
Monday (8,194 steps) - Up early to get A to school. Since Ben was off work he headed to Home Depot to exchange out the water heater. Of course he ran into complications, even though he had the email from Rheem and had been told by Home Depot there would be no problems. He spent all morning there fighting with staff and calls with corporate with no immediate resolution. Took Pika for a walk at lunch. Day three of not hot water, and none of us are amused. 
The leak coming from the ceiling was really the most fun part of the whole experience
When I went to pick A up from practice I convinced Ben to head back to Home Depot to see if someone different was working in customer service. Thankfully, there was, and he was able to get it resolved with minimal complications. Jeramiah came over to help Ben get the new water heater into the basement and installed, although it was after 10 before we were able to get to bed. What a headache.

  • 107,868 steps
  • 19.41 miles run 
  • 75 minutes of cardio
  • 30 minutes of strength

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