Friday, August 27, 2021

Week in Review (August 10 - 16)

Tuesday (13,598 steps) - Work in the office. After work I went to Green Mountain for run club. It was super smoky, but overall the run was fine.
Wednesday (7,476 steps) - Had a dentist appointment before work, then went into the office. Left work about a half hour early to go home and finalize all my gear. THEN, we still had to take Ariel to Chipotle for her cross country fundraiser. Jeramiah picked Ben and I up to take us to the airport. We have some great friends that will willingly drive us on a weekday, with all our crap. Security was SO fast and we were through in no time. We stopped at Roots to get a beer pre-flight. Our flight, unfortunately, was a bit delayed. For some reason there were some runways closed so it took forever to get in the air. Watched Schitt's Creek. Arrived a bit later than we planned, but found Melina with no problems and didn't have to wait long to get our bags. Getting the airport shuttle was a bit of a hassle, and it was after midnight before we got to our hotel. We had to walk to the gas station down the street to grab some beer and bottle water for morning.
Thursday (9,276 steps) - I had slept pretty well, but didn't get a lot of sleep thanks to our late arrival. We immediately had to head down towards Cougar, but first we had to have a Lyft take us a few miles north of our hotel to pick up our rental car. That was a fiasco in itself, as I had reserved a full size SUV, then the closest they had was a midsize SUV. Ben wasn't pleased with it and the guy working kept trying to put us in a minivan, which we knew wasn't going to work for the backcountry roads. Either way, it took about an hour to get the car. Then we had to pick up Zach and check out of our hotel before starting the drive down. We stopped about 45 minutes out of town at a chain brewery (it's been so long I can't remember where/what I got, but I know I had a beer and maybe a burger?)

We arrived in Cougar at the high school around 3 to get my bib and swag. The AQI was not great. And it was HOT.
Initially we had planned to drive near the start to be sure we knew where we were going, but everything was already taking so long that we decided to go the "quick" way to our hotel in Vancouver. When we finally arrived it was already getting late, so after walking over to Safeway to get something beverages and breakfast for the morning and buying a huge cooler from ACE, I went to the hotel and Zach and Ben went to buy the essentials we would need for five days on the road. I was getting hungry, so I researched breweries nearby and found one called Ghost Runners that had beers with a running theme! They also had pizza, so it was an obvious choice. Melina didn't want to join, so it was just me and Ben and Zach. Food and beer were both delicious, glad we picked this one!
Friday (88,469 steps) - Bigfoot 200
Saturday (113,701 steps) - Bigfoot 200
Sunday (96,572 steps) - Bigfoot 200
Monday (111,819 steps) - Bigfoot 200

  • 440,911 steps
  • 178ish miles run 
  • 0 minutes cardio
  • 0 minutes strength training

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Week in Review (October 15 - October 21)

Tuesday  (11,305 steps) - Walk with Olive before going to work. Went to the gym at lunch - which was oddly crowded (although I did go closer...