Friday, August 27, 2021

Week in Review (August 17 - August 23)

Tuesday (95,911 steps) - Bigfoot 200. By the time I crossed the finish line it was after 6:00. We stayed at the finish line until the last runner crossed, so another couple hours. All of a sudden it was getting dark and we still had a LONG drive to get to our AirBnB, which we had booked in Tacoma. I finally was able to fall asleep in the car, although I was also the one navigating, so I wasn't in a deep sleep. We had a beer before heading to bed. LONG DAY, haha.
Wednesday (3,940 steps) - The day of nothing! Our BnB was pretty neat, it was in the port and right on the water. We didn't do much all day, but we went into Tacoma and hit up a brewery for lunch before spending the rest of the day lounging around. 
Zach and Ben took the kayaks out, and I... slept? Did nothing? Who knows.
Glare from inside, but you get the general idea of our view from the living room!
Thursday (7,949 steps) - Cake for breakfast! 
Had to pack and get everything ready to go to be out of the BnB by 11:00 am. Started the drive towards the airport, although we had a LOT of time to kill. Stopped at another brewery near the farmer's market. They didn't have food, so Ben walked over to another brewery (that apparently didn't have good beer anyway) to pick up lunch for us.
Flight home was delayed a bit, and when we landed (late) everything was a cluster. A bunch of flights landed at the same time and picking up our bags took a while. Somehow we had convinced Kristin to pick us up, and the passenger pickup was backed up so far it took over a half hour for her to get us.
Friday (9,427 steps) - THANKFULLY, I took the day off from work. I didn't get to sleep in, however, because I still had to take Ariel to school. I kept falling asleep throughout the day, apparently it's going to take a while to get back into a regular sleep routine.
Saturday (10,469 steps) - Ariel had her fundraiser run in the morning at the school, so I dropped her off and then finalized packing for the weekend. We started the drive up to Leadville as soon as she was done, with a stop in Outer Range for a beer. 
We arrived at Twin Lakes shortly before the aid station closed for the outbound runners, only to find out that Tyler was injured and was going to be dropping. We met up with him in hopes it was something that we could help him with, but it was a no go. 
Also, apparently the only picture I took all weekend?
We still planned on staying in the mountains for the weekend, so the rest of the day was spent getting food and watching stuff on Netflix.
Sunday (9,032 steps) - We got up relatively early so we could head to the finish line. It's always so inspiring to watch the last finishers come in. No real recollection of the rest of the day. More food, Netflix and naps.
Monday (8,080 steps) - Up EARLY so that we could head back home, it always is a better option than trying to fight mountain traffic on a Sunday. Got home with plenty of time to get Ariel to school and for me to start my work day. Thankfully it was a work from home day, so I was eased back in after vacation. I didn't have nearly as many emails as I thought I might, so that was good news. Took Pika for a walk at lunch. No recollection of anything else that happened.

  • 144,808 steps
  • Around 38 miles run (last part of Bigfoot 200)
  • 0 minutes of cardio
  • 0 minutes of strength training

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

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