Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Week in Review (July 27 - August 2)

Tuesday (15,978 steps) - Work in the office. Since I was heading to work late (because I was dropping A off at her trail run on my way in), I opted to do my run early before it got hot. I had 3 easy and 1.5 of hiking, so mapped out a lake route that seemed to have an "easier" section for the run. It always seems hard, though. Wasn't terrible, and I do like being done before I even get to work.
Stopped at Odyssey on the way home for a beer, which was delicious.
Wednesday (10,130 steps) - Up early to get my Peloton ride in before work. It wasn't too bad, I opted to do a class for once, and it wasn't horrible, but I didn't pick my regular instructor, and I found this one kind of annoying. Did a circuit during lunch that was SO HARD. It didn't seem that hard on paper, but turns out 4 minutes of planks x 2, plus a bunch of other stuff is TOUGH. Had a sports massage after work that was awful/great.
Thursday (18,393 steps) - Work from home. Had 4-5 miles on schedule, so I decided to run the south side of the lake before I clocked in. The whole first half was pretty terrible with stomach issues, but the back half (after using the bathroom at the trail head) was lovely.
Dropped Ariel off for her annual weekend camping/trail running with her team, then finished out the day. Nothing else?
Friday (13,093 steps) - Peloton ride before work. It wasn't bad, since I opted to do a plain ride and watch the start of a movie. Met up with the gang at Wash Park for a loop and coffee after. Went to the gym with Nicole at lunch. Went to 4 Noses with Ben after work, but it was sooo crowded and loud we didn't stick around long. 
Decided to not set an alarm when I went to bed since it was pouring rain and I figured I'd just have to find time to get my run in.
Saturday (29,692 steps) - Slept in until after 8! Realized it was NOT raining, so I immediately checked the forecast for Black Hawk, and told Ben we should get out the door ASAP as it looked clear until lunch. We got to Centennial Cone just before 10 am. Initially, my legs were NOT happy, but thankfully they loosened up, and most most the run actually went pretty well!

It started to drizzle on us the last couple miles, but it wasn't a full on downpour, so it wasn't terrible. Plus, it actually felt relatively nice to not be super hot during a run. We decided to stop at Cannonball Creek for a beer on our way home. Beer was good, but like 4 Noses the other night, too loud, so we rushed out pretty quick.
Took Pika for a walk, watched the Olympics.
Sunday (23,611 steps) - Drove down to Jandy's house to join a group for a run in the Backcountry. I wasn't super optimistic about this since my calves had been so angry at Centennial Cone when we started, but it went pretty well. These trails normally get super hot in the summer, but with the cloud cover and rain we've been having it wasn't bad. It was, however, humid.

Headed home and had lunch. Ben and I decided to head over to New Image, and Tyler ended up joining us for a bit. Picked Ariel up from camp, had dinner, and watched the Olympics.
Monday (11,505 steps) - Rest day! Worked from home. Made a batch of (what I call) mini quiches for my breakfasts this week.

Took Pika for a walk at lunch. After work, I started laying everything out for Bigfoot. I can't believe it's almost here!! Eeek!!

  • 122,402 steps
  • 29.68 miles run
  • 95 minutes of cardio
  • 25 minutes of strength training

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...