Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Week in Review (August 3 - August 9)

Tuesday (12,251 steps) - Got up early to get my Peloton ride done before work. Wasn't that bad, finished the movie I had started last week. Worked in the office and went for a walk at lunch. Made dinner and watched the Olympics. Pretty uninteresting day.
Wednesday (11,295 steps) - Deep into taper! Only had a three mile "easy" run on schedule, so I got up and ran before work to get it out of the way. Went to the gym and did a 20 minute upper body Peloton video that I really enjoyed!
Thursday (16,296 steps) - I had 4 miles on schedule alternating running a mile and hiking a mile, so I opted to go before I had to work since it was still so hot and smoky outside. Took Pika for a walk at lunch. Left work early to take A to the dentist. When we were done, I met Ben for a quick happy hour at New Image.
Friday (8,803 steps) - Hour Peloton ride before work. I watched more Bigfoot YouTube videos during the ride, which made things just fly by. 
This note was sitting by my coffee when I got done with my ride - does Ben know me or what...
Went to lunch with Nicole at Rock Bottom - first time we've done that since pre-pandemic! It was great to catch up not in a work setting. Walk later in the afternoon. Nothing else!
Saturday (18,509 steps) -  Slept in. Ben and I headed up to Boulder to run the cow path loop since I was under strict orders to NOT run any hills. Actually felt pretty decent this run, even though the air quality was awful. We shopped a bit at Roost, picked up some snacks at Whole Foods and had a beer at Southern Sun. Went to REI in Boulder and spent way too much money (not a surprise). We invited Tyler over to join us for some beers in the evening.
Sunday (21,083 steps) - Had another "short" long run on schedule, with orders to stay flat again. We slept a little late again and headed to Bear Creek. Most of the run actually went fairly well, compared to most of the times I run out there. The air quality still wasn't awesome, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been, so I guess that was a plus.

I miss seeing painted rocks!
I finally came to terms with the fact that I desperately needed to get my packing done. Ben set up tables in the mud room so I could have more room to get everything ready. We have a giant crew bag that will contain only my race gear - nutrition, extra clothes/shoes, etc.

Pack and three dry bags that contained mandatory gear - "light" for thin layers and "heavy" for thicker

Ben really does an amazing job at getting things organized! 
Monday (4,968 steps) - Literally nothing. I know I am obsessive about getting my 10,000 steps a day in, but I've been under strict orders to not go on walks unless it's an easy dog walk or on my schedule. Since I had a follow-up massage during lunch I didn't have the chance to walk Pika, so I just did nothing. The good/bad news is that my calves didn't seem nearly as tight this time around, although the massage still hurt pretty decently. And... the final elevation profile with the last minute aid station change was posted. Yikes.
This doesn't really fit anywhere, but I found this and thought it was generally applicable:

  • 93,205 steps
  • 19.12 miles run
  • 90 minutes of cardio
  • 20 minutes of strength training

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...