Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Week in Review (August 31 - September 6)

Tuesday (9,580 steps) - Work in the office in the morning. We were not able to find someone that would be able to walk Pika at lunch, so I headed home early afternoon to take her out. 
It was nice only being in the office in the morning. 30 minute Peloton ride after work.
Wednesday (15,452 steps) - Work in the office. Went to the gym at lunch and did a core video, then an upper body one. I liked both! After work I headed up to Boulder. My running goal this week is a vert, so I planned the old run club loop with an addition of going past Shadow Canyon up Bear for more climbing. 

Went to the store after finishing for a quick beer and snack and the New Balance raffle, which I sadly did not win.
Thursday (14,640 steps) - I opted to sleep in instead of getting up early for a run. Instead, I decided I would take Pika to North Table to hike/run a small loop at lunch. The run was ok, although Pika had no interest in running any of the downhills, so it took longer than I thought. Then, I accidentally locked my keys in my car! Of course Ben was working south and Tyler (who has house keys) was in meetings so I had to call roadside assistance. Other than it taking a long time, I was able to get back in the car and home relatively quickly. What a pain.

Friday (21,010 steps) - Up CRAZY early. Went to Green Mountain for a quick jaunt up the fire road before meeting the group at Wash Park for our walk. 

Coffee before heading into work. We actually got an early release, which was nice. Ariel had a cross country meet in Broomfield, so the early release was just enough time that I was able to get up there, parked and find the best spectating location before her run.  She ran AMAZING and snagged a new PR!

Headed home to watch a bit of TV before meeting Ben at Torchy's for a beer before heading home to have dinner, presents, and a bit too much to drink with Tyler.

Saturday (30,899 steps) - This morning was rough. Out the door later than planned and really didn't feel great. I can't party like I'm 21 anymore. I had 12-14 miles on schedule, and I'd actually mapped out a new route in Boulder that I thought looked "fun." I had some issues pretty early on with not getting notifications of where to turn, and I was pretty sure I was doing the route in the wrong direction, but I was wasting time constantly pulling up the map - which didn't really help since it didn't have mile markers. Next problem came when I realized I had mapped a section that also included a closed trail, so I had to reroute on the fly... which meant going up Fern to Bear Peak again. I clearly had forgotten everything from last week, none of it even looked remotely familiar. I was pleased that I was moving quicker, but then I rolled my ankle pretty badly (twice) coming down Shadow Canyon, which I was NOT pleased with. 

I picked up Tokyo Joe's for lunch on my way home. We drove Gracie home and then stopped at Yogurtland, yum! Ariel and I watched part of Fear Street, which we both liked.
Sunday (14,716 steps) - Went to Eldorado to finish up my vert goal for the weekend, but thanks to starting REALLY late (11!) there was no parking so I had to drive around between two lots looking for a space, which took more time than I would have liked. Thankfully my ankle held up, and I finished my goal. 
I met Kim at Rails End for a beer, and Ben joined us later. 

We ended up having Kim over for dinner and beers, which was fun. We got to meet her new puppy, Apollo, who is CRAZY.
Monday (13,780 steps) - Ariel had practice at Matthews Winter at 8:30, so after I dropped her off I went for a hike at Apex.
About half of the kids ended up getting lost on the run and I had to pick them up at Dinosaur Ridge. I took Ariel and Gracie out to breakfast at a nearby place for breakfast burritos. I had a Peloton ride on schedule, so I did my hour ride, then we took Pika for a walk. We finally saw an owl after a VERY long time of not seeing any.
More Fear Street and Dexter before bed.

  • 120,077 steps
  • 29.92 miles run / 7,011' vertical
  • 90 minutes of cardio
  • 25 minutes of strength training

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