Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Week in Review (September 7 - September 13)

Tuesday (5,075 steps) - Work in the office. Did a 20 minute upper body video at lunch, and apparently that's all. I did get a surprise flower delivery from Ben at work, that was exciting!
Wednesday (14,498 steps) - Work in the office. Quick 10 minute arms video at lunch. After work I went to Boulder. After a few days off from running my ankle was feeling better (still swollen), but I decided to do an out and back on Bear and skip anything technical. 
Stopped at Roost to pick up a pair of shoes and grab a beer before heading home.
Thursday (18,687 steps) - Up early for a run at Apex! Hiked up the climbs and then took it easy on the way down. Saw a bunch of turkeys (did you know that is called a "rafter?"), which was neat! 

Worked from home and had my sports massage in the afternoon. After work Ben and I went to a new (to us) nearby brewery, Luki. It was pretty good!
Friday (18,492 steps) - Met Kristin at North Table at 5:00 am to do a small loop. I was really surprised at the number of bikes that were already out! On the weekends it's rare to see bikes before the sun is up, and we saw 4-5 groups! 
Headed to Wash Park for a walk with the gang (although it was a small group this week) before working in the office. After work I drove Ariel and a friend to the Homecoming football game. 
Saturday (49,007 steps) - Dumbest thing I've done in a while. Up CRAZY early to get to Green Mountain for a bunch of hill repeats since I was supposed to get a lot of vertical in for the day. I still was trying to be careful with my ankle, plus, I needed to be in Littleton before 10:00 for Ariel's cross country meet. I started just before 4:00 am (omg) and it actually wasn't that bad until the sun came up. It had been cooler in the other mornings I'd been out this week, but it was already over 70 at that hour, so I'm glad I had short sleeves. I was instructed to not do more than 18 miles, so I stopped at 17.6 and just under 5,000' of climbing. woof.

Traffic was not bad heading south, although once I got closer to the school I realized I wouldn't be able to get closer, so I turned around and found a residential street to park on. Got there right as the Sweepstakes girls were starting, Emma ended up running a 5K in 17:23 and getting 2nd! Found Ariel and sat on the curb nearby waiting for her start. Saw Amy from Roost - she was one of the bike leads. Was able to hopscotch the course a bit and find A. She looked great the first time I saw her, a tad miserable when I saw her at the finish, but she had stuck with Gracie the whole time. Not a PR this time, but still sub 24 minutes on a VERY hot morning.
Picked up Torchy's for me and the girls and took Pika for a short walk. Drove Gracie home, then Ariel's friend came over to finish getting ready for Homecoming. Took them to buy some flowers and then dropped them off at the school - at least they humored me and let me take some pictures!

Sunday (31,197 steps) - Set an alarm, but not TOO early so that I could get my run in. Went to White Ranch and planned on a 10 mile loop. They have been doing some trail work since I was last there and I made a wrong turn (or two) and there is no phone service out there so I wasn't really able to figure out where to go... I had to backtrack a bit to get the climbing that I needed. I wasn't supposed to do more than 10 and ended up with just under 12. Oops. 

But I did hit my 10,000' of climbing for the week, so I was proud of that. 
Showered and took Pika for a walk. Ben took Ariel driving in the afternoon. When they got back, Ben and I went to New Terrain for happy hour. 
Pizza and a movie before bed.
Monday (8,705 steps) - Work from home. Took Pika for a walk at lunch and then did my hour Peloton ride after I got off. Nothing else?

  • 145,661 steps
  • 44.09 miles run
  • 60 minutes of cardio
  • 35 minutes of strength training

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Week in Review (March 4 - March 10)

Tuesday  (15,531 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Gym at lunch, and once again, someone was on the StairM...