Sunday, May 1, 2011

Great Wall of Westminster Part II (and a product review)

Is this really our last training run outside before the 50k? Before we go to China? Yep. (Obviously I will still be doing my regular treadmill runs, but this is our very last opportunity to tackle an insane amount of stairs).

Really the only concern I have been having about my first 50k, is staying hydrated. My favorite races are half marathons that have a water station every 1.5 miles or so. Looking at the course for the ultra? Only SEVEN total water stations!!! My solution was to try the Camelbak hydration pouch (the style designed specifically for women). It's cute, lightweight, and seems comfortable. Here's what it looks like on:

And a close up of my newly crimped hair. (It's an 80s thing, you will find out more about this in a few weeks). Awesome.

We also decided that just running up and down the stairs a bunch of times might not be the best workout, since the course isn't really going to be that way. We had someone to watch the kids at the playground nearby, so the plan was to do a loop on the path around the soccer fields and then do 5 sets of stairs. Repeat. Times five.

It certainly helped to have the break after each set of stairs. It felt like we were moving pretty fast, but every time I checked my watch we were pacing closer to 10:30 minute miles. Eh. It's just training. It was chilly and windy, but better than being ridiculously hot.

I'm not going to lie. Stairs are tough. I cursed a lot. I know it is a good workout, but I really don't LIKE to run stairs. At all. If I wasn't running with L I probably would have given up at some point.

Best part of our workout today? A woman asking us about an hour in to our workout "Aren't you girls tired yet?" Yep. Sure am.

Back to the Camelbak. While it might be good for hot days and training runs, I don't think that I can race with it next weekend. I could not seem to get the straps adjusted right. To get it tight enough it rubbed the side of my neck, and if I loosened it, then it seemed to rub the inside of my elbows. Also part of the fail in testing this was my clothes. I always race in a tank, but for the run today I was wearing short sleeves.

I'll have to test it out another time, but so far, not 100% pleased. Sad about that.

View from base of stairs
Stairs, stairs, stairs
After a quick lunch, we head home, and A decides she needs to get her run in for the day too. Heh.

Yes, her hair IS crimped, and that IS a ladybug dress
Also... don't forget about my 50k giveaway!!


  1. You're really going to China? I am officially now obsessed with your blog. How many jobs do you have to work to pay for all these flights, hotels & race entries (not to mention glamorous collection of Running Skirts)? Ha - keep it up!

  2. Such a cute picture of your little one on the TM!! Good luck in China and I can't wait to see what your thoughts are on it. I would say I would like to do it but I am sure I will never be able to affored it so please let us know how it goes so i can lived the race threw your blog.

  3. Haha, I used to crimp my hair growing up, it was also a 90s thing! :)

  4. crimped hair....cooL! i remember getting that done. good memories.
    ur workout sounds killer! and too bad that u didnt like the camelback. i have never tried it. maybe u can get used to it.
    or maybe u can try a hand held bottle.

  5. I remember many mornings where I had to stand still while my mom crimped my hair. Ah, the good old days ... NKOTB days!! ;)

    Stairs sound so freaking painful right now.


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Week in Review (February 18 - February 24)

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