Monday, May 2, 2011

April Recap

Miles Run - 102.99 (A lot more than I expected since I had to take a week off when I had The Plague)
Races Run - 5 (All half marathons)
PRs Set - 0. Well, unless you count a new record for my SLOWEST half marathon (Great Bay, NH - the day I came down with The Plague)
Minutes of Planks - 32

What a blah month. I came down with the nastiest of nasty illnesses at the beginning of the month. I suffered through the 4th half marathon I was running in 9 days and then pretty much didn't get off the couch for a week. Never did figure out what I had, but it was a combination of what it feels like when you have food poisoning, hot and cold flashes, severe head cold. Essentially a week of misery.

Anyway, I was down for an entire week, and then pretty much had to ease back into everything. I was exhausted! I decided to start doing the P90X again (after taking 2 weeks off) and it is still just as brutal as I remember. I was pretty happy that the Ab Ripper X track isn't quite as tough as I remember. I can now do about 98% of it. Finally can do the mason twists, but the backward bicycle??? I swear that there is something wrong with me. It is just too awkward I can't seem to do it. I have to go SUUUUPER slow to get it even marginally done. So annoying!!

I have a TON on my plate for May. I doubt any of you will forget, but I have the 50K... on Saturday. As in this week.

And then what I shall from now on refer to as 33BA - (33rd Birthday of Awesome). I honestly spend the entire month celebrating my birthday. I leave next Wednesday for Part 1, which is the AWESOME cruise. Then, I leave from the cruise for Part 2, which is CHINA. It's gonna be epic.

Of course this is all shadowed a bit by how sick my Grannie is. I have a trip planned at the end of the month to go visit her (we had this visit planned to coincide with the Madison half marathon long before she got sick), so I'm just crossing my fingers that this all works out.

What's on YOUR schedule for May?

Also... don't forget about the GIVEAWAY!!  A few days are still left to enter. Guys??? Any of you want to enter?? Could be a Mother's Day gift for someone...


  1. 5 half marathons in one month and it was blah? Clearly you do need your birthday month to lift your spirits. Good luck next weekend!

  2. Your blah months are like my over-acheiving ones...if I were to ever aim that high. Clearly you are a rockstar from another planet.

    Can NOT wait to hear the 50K recap! Will she find an Applebees? Will L be slightly ahead? Will there be any logistical troubles en route? (that's a given)

    Keep on inspririn' Becca!!

  3. You blah month is way better than my best months!

    I'm hoping good things for your grandma!

    May - 1 half marathon, 1 quarter marathon, then training for more! Maybe speed work?

  4. WOW congrats on the 5 Halfs in 1 month!! I hope your grannie is feeling a little better. Good luck in China and the 50K. I can't wait to hear those.
    May for me will be 3 more half marathons and add another moon to my Half Fanatics level.

  5. That is a lot of halfs in one month! Clearly you should be exhausted, but a 50k that is major! Good luck on that!


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Week in Review (February 18 - February 24)

Tuesday  (13,394 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Gym at lunch - StairMaster and strength training.  As a...