Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Week in Review (March 5 - March 11)

Tuesday (15,597 steps) - Peloton rides before work in the office. Went to the gym at lunch for strength training. After work I had to go to a meeting at the school for A's upcoming trip to France. Ben brought pizza home for dinner. 
End of day progress!
Wednesday (10,366 steps) - Woke up in the middle of the night sweating, with a stomach ache. Ended up puking my guts out and basically crying on the bathroom floor. I cleaned up and tried to go back to bed, but it took forever to go back to sleep. I ended up calling in sick (and by "calling in sick" - I took a remote day) so I could sleep in. Mainly, I just didn't want to be away from a bathroom. Took Olive for multiple walks so I could still get my steps in as I planned to skip my evening run.
End of day progress!
Thursday (14,870 steps) - Work from home. I had a lot of miles on schedule, but since I wasn't really eating and still felt like garbage,  I only did a little under 4 miles. After work, I headed up to LONGMONT for A's first soccer game! I maybe forgot to mention that she opted to not run Track and tried out for soccer and made varsity! The weather was COLD and drizzled most of the night. They didn't win, and A only got to play for maybe 25 minutes, but it was more entertaining than I thought it would be. Next time I really need twice (or three times) as many layers.

A in all white!

Evening progress
Friday (24,022 steps) - Work in the office. Since I've been lethargic all week, I skipped the morning walk and coffee. Had to work on an amended tax return because we forgot about a form - ugh, we owe even more than I feared. Did a decent amount of driving after work since we have had all sorts of crazy expenses lately. Took Olive for a walk and dinner at home and "Only Murders in the Building."
Saturday (31,645 steps) - Met Terri and Larry at Mt. Falcon for the Saturday adventure. We were a bit late, but we got started before 9 am. The lower trails were covered in a thin layer of frost, but I could tell they would be muddy later. Beautiful morning!

LOTS of climbing, and soon we were in the trees where it was more snow and ice. Larry sure is a strong hiker for an old dude!

The way down wasn't much faster going, lots of ice, slush and mud. UGH!

Once we got back into the sun, we could see how bad the trails were - COMPLETE mud fest. The last .75 or so was soooo slick and I almost lost my shoe in the mud more than once. I wouldn't be surprised if the trails were closed after this!

We all went to Parry's after for a beer and a snack. Somehow, before we knew it, it was mid afternoon. Took Olive for a walk, then we went to Home Depot to paint color swatches before going to 4 Noses. Contractor was done for the day - almost completely finished now!!

Sunday (24,777 steps) - Stupid, stupid daylight savings. We headed out for a quick jaunt at Apex. Of course this was a day when only bikes could do Enchanted, but with it not being a zillion degrees, the exposed switchbacks were fine. Trail closest to the parking lot was ALREADY muddy, but the higher ones were dry.

Until we got to the trees, then it was even more snow-packed than and drifts/icy than we had experienced at Mt. Falcon. This was a bit more slow going than we planned, and the steeper climbs took a bit with all the snow.

The way back wasn't bad and we had a nice run down - lots of people. The lower trails actually seemed less muddy than on the way up. We stopped to return the excess tile, then went to Home Depot to buy the paint and supplies. We went to lunch at Torchy's for the first time in ages. I took Olive for a walk while Ben washed my car.
No idea where the rest of the day went, but by the time I did deliveries for a few hours it was time for dinner. 
Monday (22,327 steps) - Work from home. Went for my run pretty early in the morning. It was supposed to be nearly 60, but it was overcast and I was content in pants and a long sleeve. I didn't do as many miles as were on  my schedule, but was fine with the effort. Still feeling tired after being sick.
Took Olive for walk - in this picture she spotted a cat across the canal. 
Errands and deliveries after work. Met Ben at Parry's for a beer and then Ben got most of the painting done in the bathroom, although some of it will need a second coat. It's 99% done, just need to finish the shower fixtures. Wooo, we made it!

Totally love the shower pan!

  • 143,604 steps
  • 26.09 miles run
  • 30 minutes of cardio
  • 45 minutes of strength

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...