Friday, March 22, 2024

Week in Review (March 12 - March 18)

Tuesday (17,245 steps) - Peloton before working in the office. Strength training at lunch. Left work to go straight to Ariel's soccer game. They lost again, but Ariel got to play more, so she was happy about that. 
Wednesday (17,645 steps) - Since Joyce wasn't going to be in the office, I took a bonus work from home day. Took Olive for a walk at lunch. 
By the time I got out for my run it was late and the storm was already rolling in. It was lightly drizzling by the time I finished up - but at least it wasn't that cold. The weather had gotten worse by the time we were supposed to go to Ariel's soccer game. I was surprised it hadn't been cancelled! We stopped to have a beer before getting there. It was pouring (eventually switching over to snow), but thankfully Ben had reminded me to grab an umbrella. I haven't been that cold in a bit! And the poor girls having to play in shorts!
Thursday (10,140 steps) - It definitely snowed a lot overnight and I was glad to have a work from home day. Olive basically had to swim through a foot of snow to get to the backyard.

We had a break in the snow coming down for a bit, so I pulled out my snowshoes and figured it was a good time to take Olive for a walk. She had a BLAST.
Conditions were NOT spectacular for snowshoes - the snow was heavy and wet, and every step I took I was kicking up water onto the back of my legs.
We still managed to get out and do the full big lake loop, although by the time we got back home I realized Olive was covered in snowballs!
When I was drying her off I realized that she was now missing her bandana, so I headed back out to find it (without the snowshoes) - it was a half mile away and nearly buried in the snow.
We did not go out again the rest of the night - and it kept right on snowing...
Friday (10,343 steps) - I messaged Joyce very early in the morning and told her I was basically trapped in the house and did she actually need me to come in after we took Ariel to the airport. Thankfully, she said now. The city did a decent job plowing, but it was going to be a while before I was going to be able to get my car out - so thankfully Ben drove us in his truck to the airport. After stressing all week about the weather, Ariel was able to get out (on time!) to France - lucky gal. Took Olive for a walk at lunch - blue skies, but a LOT of snow.
Ben and I went to Parry's for dinner. Mmmmm, I love this salad so much!!
Saturday (23,099 steps) - The front range trails were all either closed or a mess, so we met up with Larry and Terri in Superior for a run on some dirt roads. Uninspiring, but better than nothing - and at least not where we normally run, so at least we had a change of scenery.

We had thought about taking the trail back, but ZERO people had been out and we figured post holing and trying to find the trail might not be the best idea.

Decided on Upslope afterward for a beer and burgers.
Ben decided we should take Robin with us when we took Olive for a walk. It was her first time in the backpack. She was much calmer than Batman ever has been, didn't pee/poop in it and didn't try to escape.
Home Depot to return extra supplies from the bathroom and to pick up a new vent for the ceiling in A's bathroom. Also stopped by 4 Noses.
Sunday (24,393 steps) - Decided on Bear Creek for our run since it's paved and we would be able to get at least a little climbing in. Not my favorite place to go, but it wasn't too bad. Overcast and the paths were mostly clear.

Quick stop at Parry's for a beer/snack and then took Olive for a long walk. The lake trails are a muddy mess.
Monday (21,237 steps) - Work from home. Took Olive for a walk and got my (almost) 8 mile run in. No recollection of the rest of the day, but pretty sure we went to Parry's again.

  • 124,102 steps
  • 26.64 miles run
  • 40 minutes of cardio
  • 40 minutes of strength

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...